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03/25/08 4:50 AM

#7493 RE: zack sybil #7492

i nevah flipped none zack so i dunt appreciate the innuendo!

i'm still long my prsu shares from JUNE mee tinks dat's BEFORE yoo showed up here!

as far as puttin' down our brokerage houses?......well, those are personal choices we all make and i dont understand what business that is of YOURS!


03/25/08 10:42 AM

#7495 RE: zack sybil #7492

Anybody can buy BIHC with any brokerage, you just can't sell if it has not been converted otherwise you might be selling short

zack sybil

03/26/08 1:47 AM

#7520 RE: zack sybil #7492

Fliperzzzz stop and THInk!

Symbol Changed last week!

OBvious reverse merger hidden shell----BIG PEARL!$$$

Stock closed at .0043

People who get their shares transferred to the new symbol and intend to sell and than buy!---THink about this.

You sell enough shares to maybe get the bid back to .002
But the millions of shares beeing sold to get at .002
Will only take less than a million shares beeing bought to be right back at .0043!

I just want to point out that fliperzzz can't pull it off yet unlesss thay intend to lose shares to Market Maker!

People you should give PRoftsky2 advice another look at.
He's out of powder or buying cash.
But his recomendation of buying this stock up to .008-.007 is right on the mony!
I would have skipped this post if i were not so close to 5% of the 180 million float!
And bought myself.

So i am giving my advice of first come first serve to someone who may think like me.

MY advice for someone with 10,000 in cash!

Take 5,000 dollars and put in small lot buy limit orders starting at .0045
Than .0047
than .0049
Than .0051
Than .oo53
I would keep setting limit orders to buy at these levels all the way to .0069

Than start buying small lot market buy orders!

It's a great way to step infront of the mm and get infront of investors who are still to Timid!

The only way to really make a lot of money if you don't already have shares is to bite the Bullet a little and pay for the Stock ahead of the NEWS!

THe other 5,000 you hold onto incase the mm tries of course to bring the price down!
Going in to early will give the MM to much time to drop the price so consider going in mid day with the limit buy orders, Than you end up with Market buy orders around the closeing of the day!

Hopefully, you won't need your next 5,000 dollars to ladder down!

THis is my best advice for someone who thinks like me!
I can't do anything about buying shares anymore! Tank all filled!

If i did not already own close to 5% than i would do it myself!

I actually tried the last two days, but i just couldn't buy enough to bend the mm arm to .008

REVERSE MERGER and once in a lifetime oppourtunity!

MIght we forget, the 1 year MUNI TAX free bond yields 4% Annually.
