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04/06/04 10:17 PM

#39524 RE: WinLoseOrDraw #39523

It's his standard line. Been repeating it for many months, even years I think.


04/07/04 1:41 AM

#39556 RE: WinLoseOrDraw #39523

Rumsfeld Takes More Friendly Fire

by Jim Lobe

Dissident Voice
November 11, 2003

The right-wing coalition that powered the United States into Iraq earlier this year appears in ever greater disarray amid increasingly heated complaints by friends, as well as foes, that the US occupation is not going well at all.

The main target is Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld, who appears increasingly at a loss to explain US strategy beyond his now-famous admission in a "leaked" memo to his top aides last month that the situation in Iraq – not to mention the wider war against al-Qaeda terrorists – will be a "long, hard slog."

That was before Iraqi insurgents shot down a Chinook transport helicopter, killing 15 US servicemen at a single blow 10 days ago, and then destroyed a Blackhawk helicopter late last week and killed 6 more.

Meanwhile, the daily US death count, as well as the number of attacks against US forces, has roughly doubled since midsummer, while public confidence in President George W. Bush's Iraq policy continues to erode.

A whopping 87 percent of respondents in one ABC-Washington Post poll taken before the Chinook disaster said they feared that the United States is getting bogged down, while public and media discourse is increasingly studded with the dreaded "V" word, for Vietnam.

While military commanders continue to insist that the attacks on US forces do not amount to anything like a strategic threat, their latest reactions suggest a sharp rise in concern, at the very least.

In the past week, for example, the administration announced a dramatic acceleration of plans to recall thousands of Iraqi army troops, police and even intelligence officers to active duty, a strategy that will necessarily mean far less training than originally contemplated and a much stronger likelihood that former Baathists or other anti-US elements will be back in uniform.

Moreover, US military raids against suspected guerrilla strongholds in the so-called "Sunni Triangle" in central Iraq are now being carried out with much more firepower.

After the Blackhawk was shot down, US warplanes dropped 500-pound bombs on suspected enemy sites near Tikrit and Fallujah for the first time since Bush declared that major combat operations in Iraq had ended May 1.

Other reports said that tanks and howitzers were also involved in an assault, in what commanders in the field called "a show of force."

As more than one commentator has pointed out, such tactics risk undermining the battle for "hearts and minds" in the most troublesome Sunni areas, which Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) chief Paul Bremer says must become a focus of US efforts.

"These growing attacks against American forces have two clear goals: inflict casualties and force a reaction that alienates the local population," wrote Milt Bearden, a retired Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer who oversaw US covert actions against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s, in the New York Times Sunday.

"Both are being achieved, as the quick-response raids by coalition troops to seize those behind the attacks fuel Iraqi alienation."

But that is not the only risk of more aggressive tactics. Larger shows of force also demonstrate to the public both here and in Iraq that the insurgency must be taken seriously.

In the face of this development, the administration in general and Rumsfeld in particular, are getting no end of increasingly biting advice, from friendly as well as less friendly sectors.

Neo-conservatives, the most insistent war boosters outside the administration before last March's invasion, are plainly upset with what they see as Rumsfeld's desperation to reduce US troop numbers in favor of activating the Iraqis.

In a two-page lead editorial Monday, the Weekly Standard newspaper accused the defense chief, its former hero, for essentially subverting the express wishes of the commander-in-chief.

"The president wants to win, and the Pentagon wants to get out," wrote Executive Editor William Kristol and Contributing Editor Robert Kagan in their piece called Exit Strategy or Victory Strategy?

The accelerated "Iraqification" strategy, according to the two founders of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) – the platform on which the "Attack Iraq" coalition behind Bush's post-Sept. 11 policies was forged – posed a potential disaster given the likelihood that the force will be inadequately trained and almost certainly penetrated by Baathists.

"It takes only a couple of mistakes in background checks to have a disaster," they warned.

Their answer is to sharply increase US troop numbers in Iraq, particularly in Sunni areas, and to increase the size of the US army from 10 to 12 divisions, even at the risk of fueling public worries that the country is becoming a quagmire, both militarily and fiscally.

Their advice echoed that given by Republican Senator John McCain, who, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations last week, charged that the administration's actions, in contrast to its rhetoric, was creating the impressions that "our ultimate goal in Iraq is leaving as soon as possible, not meeting our strategic objective of building a free and democratic country in the heart of the Arab world."

McCain stressed that he believed Washington could still achieve its strategic objective with a greater military commitment, "but not if we lose popular support in the United States."

But that appears to be what is happening, judging by the latest polls, as well as the increasing frequency with which the current situation is being compared to the Vietnam War.

For their part, Democrats are behaving cautiously, seeing in the administration's obvious flailing about an opportunity to score political points and attack Bush's unilateralism.

Their leading presidential candidates also agree with the administration, the neo-conservatives and McCain that "cutting and running" is unacceptable because Washington would lose all "credibility" – another oft-heard echo of Vietnam – in the Middle East and beyond, and leave Iraq to the Baathists and even Islamist terrorists.

Their general solution is to internationalize the occupation, both by enlisting NATO forces under US command to keep the peace and by handing control of the civil and economic administration to the UN Security Council or some other multilateral mechanism.

But both options were rejected by Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney in September, and the deterioration in the security situation since then makes it much less likely that either the United Nations or most NATO members will want to get deeply involved.

Jim Lobe is a political analyst with Foreign Policy in Focus (online at He also writes regularly for Inter Press Service. He can be reached at:


04/07/04 7:36 AM

#39591 RE: WinLoseOrDraw #39523

wld -- >>>is this bit of vileness entirely yours?<<<

Not mine -- it comes from your side, sorry to say

Democrats Cheer Falluja Outrage
By / April 5, 2004

Michele Catalano ran a quiz on her site, A Small Victory, yesterday. Guess which one of the following is not a genuine quote from a contributor to Democratic Underground:

1. Contractors wear hardhats and carry lunch pails - These guys are mercenaries.
2. Death to ALL mercenaries. The beer is on me.

3. Sad, if I were the wife I would have said hell no you won't go; the wife must have said great pay-check and the hubby, yeah, can buy a Hummer when I get back.

4. These swine were MERCENARIES. Paid Hessians. Murderers for hire.
They're worse than Al-Queda. At least Al-Queda is fighting for a cause.
I say "too bad, so sad, bye-bye."

5. They are Mercenaries - They are in it for the money, they are thugs and hoodlums, working outside the boundaries of the law. And yesterday the Resistance got even with 4 of them in a barbecue ceremony, that alas pushed the bounds of good taste.

6. Mercenaries - These men are just serial killers with a good retirement plan. They deserve what they get.

Well, actually it was a trick question. The quotes are all genuine. They were all posted by Democrats.

The scandal doesn't end there. The biggest Democratic blogger is Markos Zuniga, whose Daily Kos is said to get more hits than any other liberal site. Zuniga is a player within the Democratic Party, too; he is a principal in the Armstrong Zuniga political consulting firm.

This is what Zuniga had to say about the atrocity in Falluja:

Let the people see what war is like. This isn't an Xbox game. There are real repercussions to Bush's folly.
That said, I feel nothing over the death of mercenaries. They aren't in Iraq because of orders, or because they are there trying to help the people make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them.

Zuniga later took down this post and tried to spin his hateful reaction to the murders; Michael Friedman has the whole story.

A number of Democratic candidates advertise on The Daily Kos; Friedman sent emails to them asking them to remove their ads in light of Zuniga's hate speech. So far, three have done so; Congressman Martin Frost of Texas was the first. But as of this morning, Jane Mitakides, the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are all advertising on the site.

There's more: In the last few days, there has been a lot of news about John Kerry's successful use of the internet for fund-raising. Who is Kerry's number one online fundraiser? Yup. The Daily Kos.

So far, John Kerry has done nothing to disassociate himself from Zuniga's hateful reaction to the Falluja massacre. For him to do so might be dangerous; the truth is that Zuniga's hateful extremism represents the mainstream of the Democratic Party. Certainly the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are in no hurry to disassociate themselves from Zuniga's "screw them" sentiment.

As to Kerry, there is an interesting pattern here. In 1971, Kerry never publicly condemned his close friends and associates in Vietnam Veterans Against the War who were, at meetings he attended, plotting to assassinate Senators. It will be interesting to see whether Kerry has changed. Will he, today, publicly distance himself from those in his party who express contempt for Americans who are brutally murdered, and whose bodies are burned, broken to pieces and strung up from a bridge? For most of us, this would not be a difficult decision. Let's see how Kerry handles it when his number one internet fundraiser is involved.