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03/20/08 8:50 AM

#120989 RE: DERBENSKI #120986

Every other muffler with a flow through design is like using a straight through pipe, very noisy.

Aero patented their muffler to decrease noise as the engine revs and would normally have a louder exhaust level.

It's why Aero will be #1 in the future.

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03/20/08 9:06 AM

#120992 RE: DERBENSKI #120986

good dd derb

Aero did 1.3 million in sales in 2005

that is why it's so important that folks
grasp the concept of aero's business model
that they have undertaken since coming public
in october 2007 .. less than six months ago ..

that is why the *indy* dealers -- were
considered aero's *bread and butter*
-- they *enabled* aero to get to this stage
collectively their no.s add up .. individually
they only sell so much *product* .. that is where
DD .. comes in so handy .. making those phone calls
helped *frame the visual*

that is why it's going to be so interesting
to see those <total> shop no.s <pr'd> .. cause even
the most conservative here <i'm one of them> will realize
just how *vast* the difference is ... in the space of 1 year

does that mean that i expect every one of the shops
to be pounding the table .. for aero .. nope

but i expect 50% will .. that is where *promotional*
programs and targeted advertising .. will kick in ..

and even better .. franzke is a kick ass kind of sales
manager .. some great DD on him .. he won't tolerate
*deadwood* .. so i would expect over the months that
those who don't perform .. get the *boot* .. hmmm

we haven't seen anything yet .. except for the buyback
program .. which some here may not understand .. but
the dealers and distributors .. sure do ..

can't wait to see what else aero .. reveals ..

all jmo