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Replies to #89 on Buyer Beware
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03/20/08 8:53 AM

#90 RE: sneaky2 #89

You have to expect things like that on the pink sheets and be very aware of who is who. For instance...Norm Birmingham has outstanding SEC litigation against him for doing the EXACT same thing as CFO of Neometrix years ago. Publically reporting company that just decided to stop reporting one day. The shareholders were left with nothing...nada. Norm has a few more jobs at a couple more scams (One is no longer trading, the other is a shareprinting/reverse split machine) and he suddenly pops up at Beere Financial Equity along with Rick Papaleo and Steve Lane and while Norm is CFO, POOF, they stop reporting in the middle of 2006. Yet another fully reporting company that just takes everything the shareholders have and simply walks away.

Then comes Norm as President of ISBL, which thus far has done absolutely nothing. Who replaces Norm when he bails? In comes none other than Steve Lane, part of the Three Musketeers of the Beere Financial Equity walk-away. But it doesn't stop there. Seems that Rick who owns some shell called Central Park North (some supposed entertainment/concert company) has been a "consultant" for ISBL for a while. The third Musketeer returns to the roost, LOL!

Now ISBL STILL has done nothing but release PRs for months. Dog DVD sales? Nope. Nick Loren CD? Nope. OneMediaOne beta? Nope and Nope. Promised audited numbers? Nope. News on supposed MMA fights that supposedly happened? Nope. Contrary to what the pumpers used to want you to believe (they're all gone now, just as I predicted months ago) they have done nothing. Literally nothing. They've released at least a dozen PRs about what they're going to do, but not a single one about what they've supposedly done.

That brings us to the obvious question. When do they fold? Do they even bother trying to register as they claim? The only filing for ISBL is a reg statement from 2006 through Mel Rick Productions. But they say they can't register until 2009? Interesting since they registered to sell shares to chumps in the market in 2006...Let me practice...2006 + 2 = 2008...Hmmmmm, not 2009.

SO, Rick decides to "merge" or "sell to" or something CPN with RGNO, then suddenly he has nothing to do with RGNO, the old RGNO nor AAMG seem to mention or know anything about CPN and everyone has disappeared ala Neometrix and Beere Financial Equity. Coincidence? Maybe Rick is learning from his fellow Musketeer Norm. There is a long, intertwined connection and Norm is well known for being a CFO that simply stops reporting. (Isn't that what CFOs are supposed to do? Report? LOL!)

Coincidence? Hmmm, I think not because where does Rick surface? Banx & Green. Owned by who? Norm Birmingham. Now who woulda thought. And it just so happens in one of Rick's latest PRs he says that he and Steve Lane are going to run Banx & Green.

Norm...Rick...Steve...the Three Musketeers are together again.

Expect the worst in the pinks/OTC, anything better is a bonus. Unfortunately companies that simply stop reporting are all over the place and it happens quite often, most of the time by the same people over and over. The really sad part is that scam artists get away with it over and over and over and the SEC does nothing about it. I'm working on it though, at least in this case.

Good luck and sorry for your loss.
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03/20/08 9:14 AM

#91 RE: sneaky2 #89

That is what I hope this board will do, bring attention to the companies and people that act less than honestly on the pinks and OTC.

One would've hoped that the moment the RGNO shareholders saw Rick's name, they all would've sold immediately.