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02/18/02 11:30 AM

#49 RE: smart_sassy #48

Sassy/Unchained Melody the "Theme from Ghost"????

Now I have to think about this. There were two series, "Palladin" and "Have Gun will Travel". One of them starred Richard Boone. Who starred in the other?

I don't know about "Palladin" -- and I believe it would have been spelled "Paladin", actually, just to quibble -- but "Have Gun, Will Travel" was the Richard Boone series. It was about a professional soldier/gunfighter ('paladin' means "the leading champion of a cause", BTW) whose business card (and these were a big hit with kids, they were sold with the gun-and-holster sets, too) read "Have Gun -- Will Travel/ Wire Paladin, San Francisco". Each week he'd journey to some part of the country and get involved in someone's life. It had some of the most original writing on television ever. I remember one episode where he was called to serve as the umpire of a baseball game that had almost broken out into open warfare. A lot of actors who went on to stardom got noticed on that show.

I'm inclined to believe you saw the syndicated version.