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03/16/08 9:51 PM

#24685 RE: QuickTrade #24684

LOL. Got my streamer opened right now, wshing the markets were opened. Maybe they'll close the markets like Nixon did? Somone did once in the past.

I'm looking for good put options for bank stocks.


03/16/08 9:52 PM

#24686 RE: QuickTrade #24684

It actually wouldn't surprise me to see the markets bottom out sometime this week and actually go parabolic for a month or so, and then when May day hits, we have a full-fledge crash.

I hate to say this, but the combination of hyperinflation with stagnant wages amidst a bankrupt debased currency is a recipe for a Great Depression... I hope Ron Paul gets a bill running and co-signed very soon that gets media coverage which gets our money backed by $GOLD & $ILVER immediately, oust the Federal Reserve and its counterpart the IRS... we no longer deserve to pay the interest on THEIR BANKRUPT CURRENCY!!!

As far as holding stocks long, nothing makes sense right now but $GOLD stocks and I'm sorry!