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03/16/08 11:26 AM

#24669 RE: QuickTrade #24668

I doubt it, the last time $GOLD topped out on the afternoon fix price of $850 in London on the 21st of January in 1980, interest rates were about 20%. Now they're going to be under 3% and the printing presses are running full-steam. M3 money supply increasing by perhaps that same 20% year over year.

The bottom line, we're looking at an inflation-adjusted high on $GOLD well over $2,000. I see strong support now at that old high of $850 as a max pain area. Right now I'm expecting $GOLD to go parabolic for at least the next 4-5 weeks. But some sort of top in the last week of April or first week of May would not surprise me, at the same time wait until the top comes cause I'm guessing the prices will be much much higher than they are now at $1,000 the ounce.

The dollar's minimal target for me is 67 at this point. They are purposely debasing it. There ultimate goal is to usher in the Amero for the North American Union much like the Euro in Europe. Our goal should be to return to a sound constitutional money backed by gold & silver bullion.

And if you think the Fed will only cut by 25 basis points, keep dreaming. Right now 75 is just about in the bag. I even saw the possibility of a full basis point coming. They already gave 200 billion dollars to their buddies. Now they'll cut rates huge. We're on the verge of hyperinflation and it's starting to show...

$GOLD answers to no one...