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03/13/08 7:51 AM

#2663 RE: EricM #2662

is there something in the works u know of?
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03/13/08 12:08 PM

#2670 RE: EricM #2662

A PR Reply? Doubt it but read on...
I placed several calls into Cardivascular Investor Relations, ( / 800-858-7502), but was only able to leave two messages. Not that they [probably] have much to say. The obvious is that at least one person has dumped a lot of shares for a short (probably huge) profit. Since there has not been any news releases that CV Sciences has closed it's doors, or that the product has been discovered not to work, the biggest obstacle that we have to overcome, is senseless fear that is driving more people to bail out, thus driving the price lower. Personnally, I would like to see an end to all the posts that hint at forward splits and other good or bad possibilities that are not based on reliable information released by the company. Really... it doesn't do anyone any good to post information without any basis of knowing waht you are talking about oter than wishing or fearing.

Let's all pull together and hold our investment so this crash will level off. I like the post earlier that presented the question: "When you first got into CVSC, did you do it for a quick buck, or because you believed in the product and saw a good long term investment?" Well I was the later, and that's why I hadn't cut my losses by selling when it was $1.55.

Some might think me foolish, but I prefer to believe the product has as much potential as when I bought 7,000 share at $1.70... so now you can understand that at least one reason I really am committed to stay and see this thing through is for a financial reason. IF (and at this point it is a BIG "if"), the price gets to double digits, we can all stand to make a lot of money. I still won't [completely] bail, but at least I could sell a little and put my son through college. Is there any one of you that really have absolutely no confidence that CVS has an awesome potential? For those of you who are like-minded as I am for the long term, I hope you will be encouraged enough to hang in there. I also agree with the other post that said, "if you're not living on the edge, your're not really living"... actually you are living but without any stress, you will never become a stronger better individual. After this I expect to look like the HULK! :)
Best ot everyone!