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03/12/08 1:42 PM

#27864 RE: bob3 #27863

Zeev's Turnips moderated by Dr Zeev Hed >>

please see replied to message

Zeev's Turnips-No Politics (ZEEV)
Dr Hed, Moderator

Zeev's Turnips-Talk Politics (ZTTP)
Zeev Hed, Moderator


03/14/08 6:49 PM

#27932 RE: bob3 #27863

Note from Zeev's Kids

We would all like to thank you for your overwhelming support and kind words. We just wanted to take this chance to clarify the details of our father's death.

Zeev was diagnosed with lung cancer over a year ago, however, his untimely death was not related to this condition. Zeev bravely faced his cancer treatments, and outlived all of his doctor's expectations. His cancer did not metastasize to his brain, and was receding in the lung. While in the hospital he had a massive heart attack, and was without heart function for almost 13 minutes. While he as able to be resuscitated, he was rendered unconscious. After 11 days in a coma, we made the very difficult decision to withdraw life support. Zeev died on March 11th.

Our father was a brilliant man, who was full of life. He lived each day to the fullest of his capacity, was giving, and kind. We loved him dearly and he will be missed.

Nevo, Merav, Aviva and Jonathan

Posted by Nevo