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04/02/04 12:15 PM

#2431 RE: thepennyking #2430

You kid yourself pennyking, shrub will not go down easy with the simple telling of the truth.


The Sheeple are so stupid, it's an abomination. They offer up their own children on the altar of oil. Confronted with the images of thousands of dead children they shrug it off and claim it's just part of war. In two weeks most will proudly pay 1/3 of their income in "taxes" they can't prove they owe to an organization that can't prove it's an agency of the country those self-same sheeple pledge allegiance to. Under God.

And the alternative? Kerry. Will put Zionists in high places. Will further the ends of big oil and big business world wide in a kinder gentler form of corporate facism. Not as blatant; twice as deadly. Nothing shrub has done will be repealed; air ports will still sport TSA, Patriot I & II will still be in effect, gun control will pushed to new limits, and the money will still turn out to be no good.

"I have given you a republic--if you can keep it"--Ben Franklin

It's obvious we couldn't keep it, and currently are still undeserving of one even attempts to restore the republic...except Ron Paul and one man is ineffectual for a task that large. He also sees what comes.

Someone recently asked me if I was affraid or losing sleep because of the impedning doom of the frn and the bursting certain bubbles. Must be hard to live with that kind of doom hanging over you.

I said no. It's not fear or anxiety. It's the feeling you get when you head into big surf. Really big surf, the kind you know can kill you. I'm thinking there's going to be some fun rides and if I fuck up I won't be back...but then again love of chaos is deeply ingrained in my nature.