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03/11/08 4:13 PM

#77078 RE: roni #77077

re buying

I have some relatives whose GTC buy orders kicked in during the 40% drop, and they're holding. I'm pretty much full up on AAPL, myself, having acquired some extra shares during the drop as some poor schlep for exercised by his broker in a margin call and put his shares to me (I assume it was his broker's doing; there was plenty of time left on the options when they were exercised). I'm sitting on those, too.

I think the iPhone dev kit announcement was excellent news, but it didn't make great copy because (a) it was already announced, and (b) the details don't make a lot of sense to folks who don't follow it, so it doesn't make a very good story for the broad readership. So, I think it's terrific news (that the real dev kit is available, and that there's an installation tool that supports $1 apps, and that the enterprise features folks have been whining about are all baked into the next update, and that Apple will apparently be chasing enterprise customers in the iPhone market and will be trying to get MacOS X supported on corporate networks, albeit starting on iPhones).

I think buying under $130 will be great for the coming year. The recent put shares give me a basis of about $100 for the shares still in inventory. The last time I bought shares with a buy order was about $120. I'm looking forward to this summer, as I expect serious iPhone-related software announcements to improve demand for MacOS X on the desk, the phone, and the notebook. In January, I didn't see a news catalyst, but the enterprise feature support news has changed that; I expect business-oriented software on the Mac as never before.

I mean, the developers learn Cocoa to build iPhone apps, and then what do they do with the Cocoa background and the Apple dev machine they bought for iPod development? This is going to improve the ecosystem for Apple by diversifying the platform's developers.

Anyone notice the 3-D sound tools for game development? Cool demo. And that was on a handheld. Imagine how games might leverage this stuff on the desktop. If Apple could get some of these games playing on the aTV, might we see something interesting there? Maybe iPhone/iPodTouch as a wireless controller to a multiplayer game server atop the TV ... nah, I'm smoking again.

Take care,


03/11/08 4:23 PM

#77079 RE: roni #77077

This was the "Spitzer's going down" rally :)

P.S. I bought bonds today.


03/12/08 9:18 AM

#77090 RE: roni #77077

Picked up some Jan'09 180s. Will be adding some lower ones if I begin to see more market stability.
