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03/11/08 12:02 PM

#397 RE: stockings3333 #396

article from the UN going back to 2003 says the dinar should revert to 15-1 or .06 to 1 dollar

The link below is the UN site. If you click on it go to page 20. That is what is copied and pasted below. 15 : 1 is what is in this. Heavy Dinar is mentioned. I haven't read it all yet as Ali just informed me of this. He sounded very enthused about it. Enjoy-Neno

BEIRUT, 9-11 JULY 2003
United Nations

i. To rehabilitate and increase the efficiency of technical ministries and autonomous
agencies of the Government;
ii. To implement fiscal decentralization;
Separate institutions for reconstruction create many bureaucratic bottlenecks and do not allow for full
financial transparency; it also prevents accountancy of the reconstruction institutions that could always
blame mistakes, delays and over costs on other concerned institutions (domestic or international).
(c) Preserving the unity of the budget
This has already been mentioned previously. If flexibility is needed in the payment processes, this
should not be done by bypassing control and monitoring procedures.
(d) An efficient tax system
The reconstruction process always yields big profits for the private sector, any new tax laws should not
exempt private companies of income tax as an incentive to invest and work in the country. In all Arab
countries, the number of tax holidays granted to companies under various forms have had a very negative
effect on the level of State receipt without really contributing to attract more Arab or foreign investments.
(e) Monetary and banking issues
Some of the issues that Iraq will face to establish a sound and dynamic monetary and banking system
are outlined below:
(i) The new system should not be based on a dual currency system like in Lebanon or Argentina,
with the dollar and the Iraqi dinar being both used as legal tender. This is distorting the economy
and encouraging speculation against the domestic currency. Given the flow of oil resources, the
Iraqi dinar should be reinstated as a strong currency and to create a new “heavy” dinar whose rate
should be around 15 dinars to one dollar;

(ii) If the independence of the Central bank is a highly desirable aim, such independence should not
be conducive to deflationary policies that might prevent economic growth and dynamism as has
happened in various countries;
(iii) For several years to come, Iraq will face a difficult period of adjustment and its foreign exchange
needs will be quite substantial. To face this challenge, the monetary and banking system should
not be a burden on the Iraqi economy as has been the case in Lebanon and Argentina;
a. The banking sector should be oriented towards financing productive activities and not only
trade and real estate transactions. Inspiration could be found in South East Asian experiences
on how to stimulate the local productive capacity and export oriented industries;
b. Micro-credits should be made available to the poor strata of the population and capital
venture funds to professionals that would like to create new productive capacity in the
country based on their own knowledge and capacity.