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Disinterested One

03/10/08 4:13 PM

#293717 RE: jbgoodtrader #293715

If a commodity (like milk or eggs) is undergoing rapid price increases, do you think government price controls are a good idea? I'm really curious to understand your economic viewpoint, given what you just posted about SLJB's price drop.


03/10/08 4:21 PM

#293718 RE: jbgoodtrader #293715

Disagree. I know for a FACT that it did at least partially work that way. Huge orders lined up on the sell side WILL cause large price drops. In fact, I knew and determined that when those liars missed the final date certain promise that we'd been scammed and were all screwed. Think about it, the guy was caught on a different blog talking about Kore, and not doing a damn thing about audited fins for SLJB, etc. It all became too obvious, and too real (in a bad way). I outed quite a few shares during that justified panic as well, and I know others who did the same (regular people like me, not part of any ridiculous "group", etc), at a loss of course. But it was a hell of a lot better than this current POS price.

You're thinking too far into it, IMO. We got duped, plain and simple. Panic ensued when it became all too obvious that they'd painted themselves into a corner that they didn't have the means to get out of. I also wouldn't be surprised of AD (or whoever) also dumped LARGE blocks which made it even worse.

The moral of the story is... sometimes it's SMART to be shaken out of one's shares. That is, when the cold reality is brutal and clear, and negative.


03/11/08 7:21 AM

#293751 RE: jbgoodtrader #293715

Funny John to read this
but I believe your right....I wasn't able to get out the door in time and still hold all my worthless shares..... still in shock...wondering how I could let it happen.....? So many people took to the cleaners need some justice and closure on this peace of work....JG.