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03/09/08 11:24 PM

#5546 RE: Uncle Meatball #5536

Heres for you buddy. Man I love the A-10

March 7 airpower summary: A-10s provide close-air support

A-10 Thunderbolt IIs, like the one in flight here, provide close-air support to coalition troops in Iraq and Afghanistan on a daily basis. (U.S. Air Force photo)
3/8/2008 - SOUTHWEST ASIA (AFPN) --
Coalition airpower integrated with coalition ground forces in Iraq and the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan during operations Mar. 7, according to Combined Air and Space Operations Center officials here.

In Afghanistan, an Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II dropped a guided bomb unit-12 in order to destroy enemy combatants in Musa Qala. In addition a show of force was performed in order to deter any further enemy activities. The joint terminal attack controller confirmed that the missions were successful.

In total, 45 close air support missions were flown as part of the ISAF and Afghan security forces, reconstruction activities and route patrols.

Seven Air Force surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft flew missions as part of operations in Afghanistan. Additionally, two Royal Air Force aircraft performed tactical reconnaissance.

In Iraq, coalition aircraft flew 56 close air support missions for Operation Iraqi Freedom. These missions integrated and synchronized coalition ground forces, protected key infrastructure, provided over watch for reconstruction activities and helped to deter and disrupt terrorist activities.

Twenty-five Air Force and Navy surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft flew missions as part of operations in Iraq. Additionally, six Navy and RAF aircraft performed tactical reconnaissance.

Air Force C-130s and C-17s provided intra-theater heavy airlift, helping to sustain operations throughout Afghanistan, Iraq and the Horn of Africa.

Approximately 150 airlift sorties were flown, 913 tons of cargo delivered and 2,842 passengers were transported. This included approximately 31,000 pounds of troop re-supply air-dropped in Afghanistan.

Coalition C-130 crews from Australia, Canada, and Japan flew as part of operations in Afghanistan or Iraq.

On Mar. 6, Air Force, French, and RAF aerial tankers flew 45 sorties and off-loaded approximately 2.8 million pounds of fuel to 244 receiving aircraft.