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03/09/08 4:31 PM

#3848 RE: Long-vestor #3847

Hey Long, that's a lot of food for thought. I am gonna think it over again after I have written this reply. But I do want to give you my opinion now, because I feel you are adressing me (too).

First of all I'd like to say that when I express negatives I do that to prevent big dissapointments for myself and others/newbees. Dissapointments which there would be if we only gave the most positive possibilities here. I believe it is of the most importance to give my honest opinion and always look at the story (of GTEC) on both sides. It wille be a road with a little bump every now and then. We have to make people aware of that.

Second you kind of say that its us who can make or break GTEC. It is not the PR's but our communication about GTEC. I disagree partially. Yes, we should give info on why we think GTEC will be a good investment. Yes, we should stay positive. Yes, we should help spread the word. But on the other a good PR now an then is an absolute prerequisite. We can write all we want people have to see proof that what we write is true. Therefore we need regular PR/communication from GTEC.

Lets get one thing straight: I will settle for a continuing rise of the pps every week with 2~3 cents. But that is not the way its going to happen. We will have fallbacks and bigger rises. One step back, two steps ahead. And sometimes we will have to take a few more steps back, before we can go ahead again.

If you have further issues feel free to post or mail (see below). I can take the criticism and I think we are all grownups who can exchange our opinions about these things.

I hope by making it a jpeg-file the bots can't harvest my e-mail adress...


03/09/08 4:42 PM

#3849 RE: Long-vestor #3847

Dude, we all agree that GTEC will have a phenomenal return in the near future. That doesn't mean that it will be a straight up journey. Its called value investing. No value investor worth his salt feels the need to prop up his own share prices. Over the long run, the law of the markets dictates that PPS will follow the value of the company. Investor sentiment is a fleety, ethereal thing to be taken advantage of when you can.

If one really believes in GTEC like most of us do, you will have no problem cost averaging down like I and many others I'm sure have. I have bought some at .37 myself, after we dipped from .50. Do I feel ripped off or "abandoned"? NO. Because I bought more at .20.

The kind of person who would panic and sell, or not cost average down, on a forecasted dip based on TA by random people on message boards is NOT the kind of person who should be investing, and I'd rather not have them in our stock, it adds to volatility.


03/09/08 5:33 PM

#3851 RE: Long-vestor #3847

LV and All

Long, thank you for that sincere post and reality check. "GTEC is only what you perceive its worth is," is absolutely true. All stocks go up and go down, everyone knows that. Everybody wants to be a smart trader or investor too. And we want to take the emotion out of our plays. So we do our DD and make a play with the best information we have at the time. Once the play is made its about managing your play. Are you in for the short run or long? I don't feel sorry for the person who got into GTEC at $.49 one bit bc all the DD says that $.49 is a fraction of GTEC's real value. Now the real question to ask all GTEC investors is do they believe in their DD?

I believe in my DD on GTEC. I've talked with Crocker and Elsa and turned over every rock that came my way. Except for a few questions about equity in the old GTEC everything is forthright and above board. I have not found any skeletons in any closet of the new GTEC, 'Genesis Pharmaceutical Enterprises, Inc.'

If you have faith in your DD, you can have faith in GTEC. Therefore you can have faith tbat GTEC is "at least" worth well over $1.00.

So what long's asking us is to have faith in our beleif in GTEC. I do. Now that's my reality check and GTEC passes with flying colors!

GL to all



03/09/08 6:56 PM

#3855 RE: Long-vestor #3847

Long, I think the other guys have said it all.

We're actually becoming a tight group here that I am proud to be among.

In six months we'll all be laughing together.