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03/08/08 8:14 AM

#18057 RE: joakim #18055

Every investor/trader has "dogs" in there portfolio, each are treated differently accorning to one's trading style. We must remember to take profits off the table. The situations you mentioned really suck and hurt the pocket book, we have to learn from them and move forward. I like to find the trading channle and flip for freebies, so I am always in the profit, with not much to loose and lots to gain. Now that is not saying I do not have "dogs" I got em, but they will move up at some time, and I will sell for profit, maybe not as large as some and maybe better then others. I have day traded, swing traded, lost money traded and my fav made money trading. glty, do you dd here and you will be rewarded. /all IMO

I am sure others can answer your valid question better.

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03/08/08 8:16 AM

#18058 RE: joakim #18055

I confess I have not had direct contact with the management of this company. That said I know someone who has and I have talked with this person over the phone. (He is buying in BIG time and I trust him implicitly) Numerous times I have contacted the CEO of a company but you can't always believe what they tell you. (Lot's of CEO jokes around IHUB) If you new who the folks posting here were, you would understand the minimal risks of LLEG. Of course any stock has risk. However, IMO, there are few if any stocks with the potential of LLEG. The Fundamental analysis is excellent and the Technical Indicators on the charts look superb. Many of the really smart investors (still working on this one) pay close attention to the technical indicators because they rarely lie. A chart is an amalgamation of ALL information about a stock. Including insider information. Charts don't lie. March is going to be a tremendous month for LLEG in my honest opinion.

One other thing I take great comfort in. Many of the longs here who have bought in big are smart traders. They know how to keep a good thing going. This is just my opinion. But it helps me sleep very soundly at night :-) For anyone getting in, feel free to sit on the bid or hit the ask when buying, but when you sell, just put your sell order in or above the ask and we'll all make a great deal of money. That's how you keep the momentum going. For anyone new buying in big... when you put your sell orders in, stagger them in smaller blocks. There is WAY too much going for this company and way too much liquidity for any trader with half a brain to be selling on the bid. (bidwacking)

Hope you found this helpful and I wish you all the best,
