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The Real Titan

03/07/08 9:01 PM

#3806 RE: charhorse #3804

Yes, but its all in your approach.

You know as well as I do that this place is littered with agenda ridden people, who will spin a stock, both negative or positive, for their own personal gain.

So if somebody looks at this things chart, without knowing its history, they seek out others who might possibly be thinking its worth a gamble as they are.

Which is why they'd come here, but are instead greeted by

And at first glance we come across as purely a negative group, intent on bashing the company and trying ti dissuade any who are consider buying shares.

Albeit what we're doing should be viewed more as a Public Service, rather than a negative add

Its all in how you approach others to help them make an informed decision, without trying to make them feel stupid for ever having considered the play.