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03/04/08 11:34 AM

#9149 RE: MUSHROOMKING #9148

say you are going back a few about hunt bros. yes they did try to corner the silver markets and zoomed to $50 ppo.

lots turned in their silver coins and silver melt down again. makes numismatic coins worth more too.

good to see ya remember the silver and coin exchange stuff.

only thing with gold "china, russia, opec want gold in exchange instead of our worthless dollars."

high black gold "higher the golden nugget goes."

so china is mostly responsible for higher gold in exchanges for oil.

I think things could get wild as for gold and silver. Silver should out preform gold that is how the past has been silver over $20, some where around $30 is where the Hunt Bros can sell there holdings for trying to conner the market a few years back. If gold stays ahead of silver % wise when it peaks I would be ready to sell any gold I have at that point, it will drop faster than it went up as for junior mines if they dont get off the ground soon with a recssion looming befor us they could drop off the radar ( no start up money no mine.) The futures are going to lead this bull run, the top is any ones guess but if our dollar dosen't find a footing any thing could happen.

answer: silver does have a lot of leverage over gold.