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03/03/08 10:09 PM

#55122 RE: fazoolius #55119

Another thing, Cuba is looking at drilling within 100 miles of Florida's coast. USGS says there is a probability of 4.6 billion barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of gas.

Of course American firms are barred from working with the Cubans but that shouldn't bar PBR and that Norwegian company or the Koreans or Chinese from helping lift up that high sulphur crude.

Interesting that there's a group called Save the Reefs or something like that that has teamed up with other interests to stop the drilling off the Florida coast. Strange bedfellows.

For Mexico's deep water exploration, the politicos are aiming at April to make the change in their Constitution so that outside interests can participate in Mexico's offshore bounty. Could be good money for Deep Down when it happens.

I plan to follow that situation closely.
