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03/31/04 3:32 AM

#6124 RE: Chris McConnel #6121

Reasons why George W. must go:
The War Against Iraq
The Bush administration started a pre-emptive war, against the will of the international community, justified by lies and half-truths. The result: Over 500 dead American soldiers, a bill already in excess of $100 billion1, an Arab world more wary of us than ever, and not one Weapon of Mass Destruction found. Read more.

Failed Foreign Policies
From North Korea to the Middle East, President Bush's policies have failed to bring about reconciliation. He has snubbed the United Nations, insulted our allies in Europe, and hinted at possible invasions of Syria and Iran2. Read more.

Failed Economic Policies
George W. Bush came into office with a federal budget surplus of $230 billion. When the fiscal year ended on September 30th, the Treasury reported the largest budget deficit in history: $374.2 billion3. At least he kept the record in the family... the previous record deficit ($290.4 billion) occurred in 1992 on Bush Sr.'s watch. Bush's tax cuts, which benefit the wealthiest of Americans4, have not resulted in a better economy or more jobs. Read more.

Bush Does Not Represent the Majority of Americans
We all know about the controversy surrounding the vote in Florida during the 2000 Presidential Election. What many have probably forgotten was the fact the Al Gore won the popular vote. More Americans voted for Gore than George W. Bush. Only 47.9%5 of those who voted chose Bush-- 52.1% voted for someone else. Read more.

Erosion of Civil Liberties
The Patriot Act's name could make you feel proud, but instead portions of it should scare you. It reduces judicial review on some kinds of wiretaps, and allows surveillance of political dissenters under a broader definition of 'domestic terrorism'. Attorney General John Ashcroft's numerous new rules seriously erode the civil rights of U.S. citizens. Thanks to Ashcroft, some attorney-client conversations can be monitored, and political and religious institutions can be spied on without suspicion of criminal activity6. Read more.

Erosion of Environmental Protections
The Bush administration talks of "balance", but has consistently put business interests above the environment. While nearly every aspect of the environment is threatened by Bush, air and water quality seems to be favorite targets. The harvesting of natural resources is also a high priority of this administration, no matter what the cost to wilderness and wildlife. White House officials even instructed the EPA to downplay the dangers of air pollution present in the aftermath of the Spetember 11th attacks on the World Trade Center7. Read more.