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03/02/08 11:24 AM

#15735 RE: Capt Billy #15733

Capt Billy,
I really think that you are the only chance that DPBM has. What I was actually told is that the anchor was dropped there as far back as the 70's. I posted that I was told it was dropped over 20 years ago.

I know that you found it and I respect the effort that you and Dave put in finding it. I know that you went against what the permit holder told you to do and you used your own initiative and hard work to find it, base on a mag survey and gut instinct. That's why I think you are what the company needs.

As I said in the post, I wasn't there. I DON"T Know how it got there. I was only relaying what was told to me that day by a person that I respect 100%. That is the only reason that I posted it. If another company or even if it is DPBM that goes out looking in that area based on the anchor. They need to do more research and talk to the person that related the story. Other wise they are going to waste valuable time and resources based solely on the anchor. You, Capt Billy and Dave did a great job finding it. But isn't this business based on research ? I agree with you 100%, that the anchor matches the Spanish Anchors at the museum. That in itself would be one reason that I would want to know how it got there. Capt Billy, I am in no way putting you down. All I am saying is that who ever continues the project at Woman Key, needs to get to the bottom of what I was told and either prove it came from a Spanish wreck that sunk right there ( No Ballast Pile or Spanish Olive jars have been found anywhere in the area to prove that) or to not waste money and pick another area in the permitted area and try some where else.


03/03/08 1:34 PM

#15787 RE: Capt Billy #15733

Not claim to know. He knows the Fishers. He used to dive with Mel before the Atocha was ever found. He was Lee Fishers P.A.D.I scuba instructor. I was in her class as well. Her brother is my chiropractor.

Sorry Billy. Had to chime in.