extra, you are inappropriately portraying what the company is doing. Your math at the end of your post stating that the market cap is 75 million is wrong and for that I hope IHUB bans you...
You stated:
"$0.024 x 3 Billion [~ Fully Diluted Shares] = $72 Million
Which means : WNBD 'shares' are 'worth' $0.024 today,
only if WNBD sold $72 Million 'worth' of soap, LAST YEAR.
And, only if WNBD never dilutes again. [Unlikely, but oooo.] "
First, you are assuming that the price to earning ratio is 1... Any investor knows a P/E ratio of at least 25 is acceptable.. In fact I can't think of a single major company on the big boards with a P/E of 1. So even though the current o/s is 760 million (NOT 3 BILLION... LOL), the profit would need to be $720,000 to defend the current PPS, not 75 million... Now factor in 2000+ retail locations in Canada and a new national account in the US... Personally I believe the intrinsic value of the technology alone is well above 18 million dollars (the current market cap).
You state that the company diluted 7% after the price jump of more than 1666% (from .0027 to .045).. True, but doesn't that show you something? The management is not choking this stock, they took out what they needed to start a marketing plan for the US. They see the true potential of their own products and so they don't want to sell off in the pennies. DUH. Dilution is why a company goes public, and every milestone by this company is being met. Do independent DD of their sales leads and tell me I'm wrong.
In conclusion, you need to spend more time looking into a company and how it works before you turn stubbornly negative. There is a very large number of 100 million dollar market cap stocks which are not controlled by the public, the sooner you learn to research the management and perform appropriate DD for where a company is at in it's business development the better off you will be.