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02/28/08 6:30 PM

#21690 RE: stock_jock40 #21689

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Double E

02/28/08 10:12 PM

#21695 RE: stock_jock40 #21689


That is why I don't post here much anymore. Everybody and his brother have jumped on-line with the fine state of Delaware and they keep finding that the A/S have been reduced from from 30+ billion down to 580 million.
Yet we have scores of "new" posters with born on dates just hours old, showing up to tell us that this stock is diluted into the billions, and how shorting is just a wild fantasy. They tell us that shorters are no more real than Santy Claus and the Easter Bunny, even as other posters offer links to recent video clips of SEC officials nervously talking about a massive naked short problem that the Sec can't get a handle on. The same clips that show those same SEC officials trying to explain how a stock continues to trade millions of shares per day, right after some rich fellow has already bought the entire A/S. Then these same posters claim they are not working for anybody, just before they are permanently banned from I-Hub for using multiple aliases.
It appears the scum of the stock chat boards have descended upon PHGI, gleefully watching the stock trade 75% of it's A/S in one week. They are laughing as we watch hundreds of millions upon hundreds of millions of shares get bought from a company with just a few hundred million A/S, and while these hundreds of millions are bought, the PPS barely moves...
I can't wait until the day when all of these filthy animals are thrown in the clink, and crying for their commissary. They have killed many American companies and cost investors untold billions of dollars, most of which wind up in off shore accounts.
These scumbags have no cost basis because they almost never have to cover the billions of shares they dump through short positions. If the price starts to rise and makes them uncomfortable, they just dump another load of shares until the inevitable day when the company dies and they can walk away with the millions of dollars they have soaked from the investing public.
I'm not so sure that PHGI can survive this environment. At this point it appears there are literally billions of PHGI shares in circulation. Who can ever sort them out? The SEC says they are "working" on it, and the hedge funds tell us every day, right here on these boards, that phantom shares don't exist. The whole trading system needs to be completely overhauled.