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02/28/08 2:19 PM

#16768 RE: Pass the Salt #16767

Pass the salt I think mike would want much more then that if a buy out would come. Look how much microsoft paid just for a small part of facebook. I would say that mike would not take less then 50 million for a buy out just on potential earnings. If he has lets say a million users and is gaining on average of lets say even 5-8K users a day at that time he would have no problem getting that kind of money. He might even get more. With and a few other social networking sites planning IPO's this year BUNM could get some attention.
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02/29/08 3:16 PM

#16788 RE: Pass the Salt #16767

Thanks Pass.

I don't have a lot here yet, but I'll keep an eye on this. One of the reasons I like IHub is leads like this pop up now and then.