Rawnoc: that would be an inaccurate statement, on many avenues. One tends to hear firecrackers up close and out in the open. The masking and other factors may or may not contribute to subjective sonic measurements.
That being said, detonation chord is a different type of explosion. There are many videos on The 'Net of controlled demolitions. The charges themselves aren't really that loud. The question that you need to ask yourself, is how these explosions where going off in the first place and how they contradict the official feral gumit whack job story.
Rawnoc, maybe you are hard of hearing. And fact is, you can listen to MOST of the videos and NOT hear any sirens from police cars or fire trucks either, so does that mean that there were no sirens? MOST of the videos shot were from inside buildings so that the sounds are barely discernible. Read the first section of the I-box. The very first video is short and sweet, but taped outside the buildings....... http://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/board.asp?board_id=9707