I would say that Team Exobox has implemented their Marketing and Promotion campaign and that is a very GREAT Sign.
While the OS is still Extremely Low for a Technology like this, I would say that you can't make everyone happy no matter how Team Exobox slices it ... AIMO.
P.S. Why would Exobox start spreading the word after all this silence? hmm. I'm Staying Very TUNED!
Exobox CEO, Robert Dillon, stated, “We are very pleased to see all of our hard work over the last two years pay off as we begin implementing the product development and marketing phase of our business plan.
Now that we have these funds, we are eager to hire the remaining personnel and take the other steps needed to begin coding our initial product line in-house by the end of this quarter.”
For the FIRST TIME in the History of Exobox Technologies~ Scott Copeland from Houston-based Exobox was interviewed "ON THE AIR" by Technology GURU - High Tech Texan (Michael Garfield http://tinyurl.com/2mp5nu) as his guest Saturday 2/2/08 at 11:00am Central Time.
~Michael Garfield, the High-Tech Texan(R), Joins Exobox Technologies Corp. as a Consultant and Member of the Company's Technical Advisory Board Thursday February 7, 1:11 pm ~ http://tinyurl.com/2scw2v
~Exobox CEO Speaks~ in first Interview about Exobox Technologies Protecting the Pentagon, WallSteet, Banking, etc. http://tinyurl.com/yq85a9