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02/25/08 9:48 PM

#5111 RE: orda #5110

Hi Orda,

Great points! I think you almost provided a dictionary quality example of what it means to be hypocritical. They continue to prey upon the uneducated voter as a means of covering up their logical fallacies. If you're too dumb to see the error, no one will call me on it....

One of my most favorite recent examples is Mr. O'smelly telling us that ZERO U.S. veterans are living as homeless people without a bed to sleep in. Wonders never cease, but his twisted and tortured logical method of trying to escape from the corner he put himself in was so convoluted you almost needed a road map to make any sense of it all.

I want to live long enough to see history judge this guy, it might be entertaining. Maybe he will be viewed as the most damaging "patriotic" voice in the history of modern american media hypes. After all, if you are a "true" patriot and selflessly patrol your self anointed "no spin zone" to protect us all from bogey men everywhere, then there has to be at least one republican behavior in the last ten years worthy of your ire??? What a sad commentary on how far the journalistic community has fallen. Sorry, did not mean to offend every jounalist on the planet, but no other professional media group was willing to claim him. :)


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Blue Fin

02/25/08 10:17 PM

#5113 RE: orda #5110

Something that always seems to amaze me is the number of republicans serving time(derservidly so) and democrats seem to be above the law. I refer you to the scandles of Pelosi, Feinstein, Reid, Jefferson, Clintons Burger etal. The investigations seem to just stop and there is never an explanation.

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Down And Out Man

02/26/08 10:53 AM

#5125 RE: orda #5110

Orda, re: "Where's the outrage on the right targeted at the right?"

I think the answer is that there is a LOT of right on right outrage, but it just isn't prominently displayed by the talking heads. But it is embodied by folks like me. Allow me, please......

I have been a Republican my whole life. Not so much that I "loved" everything about the GOP, but that they were the "anti-socialists", the anti-democrats. The (much) lesser of evils, if you will.

I began to get severly disappointed with them some years ago, but still they seemed a better choice than going "socialist". They put "W" up as "best choice" eight years ago. I held my nose, but little did I know then.

I am now so disgusted by the party I will probably not even bother this November, or simply "throw my vote away" in a protest fashion on some third party.

I honestly believe history will judge "W" as the worst president of modern times, if not ever. For so many reasons I won't even bother to start typing the long list. I'm not sure if despise is the best word for describing my feelings toward him, but it is close.

Remember, this is coming from the mouth of a Republican, or maybe I should say tentatively former Republican.

I am disgusted with how the extreme right has taken the party hostage. How they waste precious time and effort squabbling over things like stem cells and abortion, and such. Take whatever position you like on abortion, but if you tell me it's one of the top five most important issues - let alone THE number one issue - then you are to me a one issue candidate that I cannot entrust with my vote.

I'm old enough to remember when the GOP used to be the party that stood for smaller government, less meddling. It's a distant memory, now.

Sorry I don't have time to edit this post and present it in a better thought out, clearer form, but I wanted to say that I really believe there is a great deal of outrage of many Republicans toward the GOP. I'm sure I'm not the only one that is totally disgusted with the party and its leaders. I think the coming elections may well prove my point.

They had their chance and they squandered it with petty nonsense, ineptitude, partisan bickering, and hypocrisy.

Yes, some of the right are VERY outraged. They just don't have the stage to show it......until November.
