DUDE, Ollie, Ollie, Ox-em..... dats what da-Boyz do, TAKE Play-ar's MONEY, LOL!
I told EVERYONE to stay OUT this week but Noooooooooo, all the TA, Charts, Fibs & lies players were saying GET in da-Tank with dem dare Sharks and Go for IT, Oh boy!?
Did you really think we'd let the Sell Programs get Tiggered Friday, as they would have if we'd closed DOWN, NOT!?
I have ZERO compassion for da-Shorts as they were WARNED, OUCH!?
We gonna TOAST-em next week, yes - TOAST-em REAL GOOD, LOL!?
Btw... Charlie did exactly what any Good TUNA would do and dats what he's TOLD to do, Sorry Charlie but dats just da-Way it is, LOL!
I have to laugh because he was on earlier in the show saying, No Way, Never Happen, then 30 minutes to go and, HEY EVERYBODY, It's GONNA HAPPEN! You don't think he loaded up on CALL Options before that announcement does ya, Nahh, he'd never do dat, yeah Right!?
Warm regards and ENJOY the Weekend!