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03/26/04 9:33 PM

#33 RE: excel #32

I have used them for about 4 months now. I don't "trade" for a living......good thing too or I would starve!
They are not super speedy but then again I also have an Ameritrade account and even when I put in sell orders below the bid I don't get filled!
What I like about LowTrades is that if I have a stock that is falling I will sell it quicker and cut my losses because the commissions are low.......$5.00

With Harris Direct ($20.00) and Ameritrade and My Track ($12.00 or $13.00) I felt as soon as I bought something I was already in the hole for $25.00 to $40.00 because of the buy commission and the sell commission. I am a small potatoes trader so every little bit counts.

I do find that not only am I saving in commissions but I am not holding onto garbage for as long as I once did.

I don't think I ever answered your question......sorry!