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02/21/08 2:16 PM

#18783 RE: drenuf #18782

drenuf, have you read this?;

You guys keep talking about Developmental Football Leagues and World Soccer Societies and Cowparades and Fart Ringtones. If you read what StockGuru says about CMTN; I would think it is a different company;

StockGuru Featured Company: CoMedia Corporation (CMTN.PK) Creates Strategic Marketing Plan for Customers
Posted on2/20/2008 9:21:16 AM in #Stocks | 0 comments comments

CoMedia Corporation (OTC: CMTN) is a sports marketing enterprise that specializes in the acquisition, production, and distribution of media content, services, and resources for a specific demographic and psychographic groups. Through its subsidiaries and divisions, the company identifies possible opportunities that they review to produce distinct social communities.

CoMedia focuses their marketing efforts on “Concentric Psychographic Groups” (CPG), which are a group of people within a definitive circle or common junction that they identify as themselves and can be organized by people’s attitudes, beliefs or values. CPG is a similar classification to niche markets, but unlike niches, CPG’s defines a market based upon psychographic habits and information rather than age, socio-economic status, location, etc.

Two examples of a CPG are dog lovers and football fans. CoMedia’s customers are identifiable communities which share a common interest, bond, or desire. CoMedia has identified unique opportunities for creating online social communities, which will significantly augment the Company’s current retail and “on the ground” presence with its customers and markets.

CoMedia is primarily a market access, development and management company. By identifying CPG’s, it allows the company to focus on a specific group, and from that the company can develop a management system for vertical penetration of the identified CPG. The company’s products and services are developed through the already established CPG, which enables the company to progress into horizontal distribution of the products and services. Offering transactional opportunities to the members of certain CPG’s gives the company a great tool for integrating new and upcoming products.

WTF? Where did that additional hoohaw come from?

Good luck.