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Replies to #949 on


12/11/00 1:09 PM

#950 RE: aloha2213 #949

More Beatles ala Recount

You guys have been on a real tear. Very funny stuff. My contribution:

How we all feel about now:

I'm so tired,
I'm feeling so upset,
Although I'm so tired,
I'll have another cigarette

How we all feel about Florida ballots and counting machines:

You only give me your funny paper
and in the middle of negotiations
you break down

Republican voters:

I never give you my number
I only give you my situation
and in the middle of investigation
I break down

Democratic voters:

No short-haired, yellow bellied son of Tricky Dicky's gonna mother-Hubbard, soft-soap me with a pocketful full of for for rope.

I'm sick and tired of hearing things
from uptight-short sighted - narrow minded hypocrytics,

All I want is the truth,
Just gimme some truth,

I've had enough of reading things
by neurotic - psychotic-pig headed politicians,

All I want is the truth,
Just gimme some truth,
