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02/17/08 8:27 PM

#27451 RE: Drugdoctor #27433

From copi's latest 10-QSB, dated 30sept2007...

" Also, the Company is increasing its authorized common stock
from 500 million shares to two billion shares. "

Apparently, only shorters think that this recently Filed Fact
is important, and know that it is The Most Important Fact of
all, about copi, and what copi plans to do, massively.

And, what that will do to the trading price of copi, very
soon. copi 'only' reported ~50 Million floaters on 30june2007.
By 30sept2007, copi was reporting ~100 Million floaters.
And, a subsequent 8-K reported that 4.5 Million shares was
3.74% of a later float. So, 4,500,000 / 0.0374 = 120+ Million
floaters, and rising, fast.

And, copi was worried that 500 Million 'Authorized' was not
enough for near-term 'needs + plans'. Even though it was
5-Times the current 'Outstanding' shares, at that time.

No outside shareholder knows how many more shares started
floating in since 30sept2007, which was almost 5 months ago.
But, everyone knows that copi doubled its float, in just
the prior 3 months [30june-30sept2007], because copi Filed
That [supposedly] Factual Data, with the SEC, and on time.

And, 5 months ago, copi said, in that last 10-Q, that they
quadrupled their 'Authorized' , all the way up to 2 Billion.

So, obviously, copi plans to go over 500 Million, real soon,
and keep movin on up to 2 Billion. And, when copi gets near
2 Billion, they can just raise it again, without any outside
shareholder voting. Just like no outside shareholder voted
to quadruple it from 500 Million, up to 2 Billion. [Which
also prevents 'uplifting', unless copi does a Reverse-Split,
and starts making an after-tax profit.]

Meanwhile, the longs proudly add up their 49,942,900 shares,
and probably think that they have half of the 5-month-ago
reported ~100 Million floaters. While we shorters are kinda
sure that the float is at 500 Million, or soon will be. And
copi plans to keep going on up to 2 Billion.

So, all of the longs ~50 Million shares, all added together,
are just 2.5% of copi's currently planned 2 Billion shares.

2.5% is only "30 longs strong" to the 30 that ignore the
other 97.5% , and the fully planned + 'Authorized' + Filed,
fast + massive 20x dilution, from 100 Million, all the way
up to 2 Billion. And, as much more as the outside shareholders
never get to vote against.

Trading re-starts in about 36 hours.
Most will sleep twice, for a total of ~16 hours.
Which leaves ~20 hours to think about the above Facts.
Or, just have the 3rd + last nice day,
of a mostly go-copi 3-day weekend.
Better yet, have 19 more hours of fun, and take the final
1 hour off, to read the latest copi 10-Q.
And, go to sleep early on Monday night. To be one of the
first to act when the market re-opens, early Tuesday morn.

Have Another Nice Day. But,
don't count on 'Good Luck'
to cancel out Filed Facts.