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The Real Titan

02/15/08 12:36 PM

#1699 RE: joseywalestx #1698

Nice try.... The question is actually have you finished selling yours?

I'm willing to ride out the majority of my shares, having already sucked up the loss. If they stop diluting, it will move back up nicely, its really that simple.

But I think you simply lack trading experience in the OTC/OTCBB markets, which is okay because many do. However, you shouldn't allow your inexperience to influence others into thinking that this is the work of some evil market makers, or shorting hedge

However, if your not inexperienced, then you have a much darker agenda and are exactly the type of slime that causes others to lose so much money in these markets. Trying to mislead others into thinking that there is some evil shorter behind this fall should be criminal. It is the sleeziest way for you and anothers like you to make money and whats made you the bane of these markets.

I mean how do you defend your position, using logic that is, not simply typing in capital letters and making silly If the evil shorters are finished because of the ammended SEC Rules 144 & 145, how come this isn't exploding as they cover their positions?

I'll help you out, its not the shorters that have caused this plummet, its the company.

It will not stop until they stop!

When and IF they stop, it will go up!