I think you are right. What more can we glean from this time and sales? What did they do, and what do the "z"'s mean?
0.23 391 OTO 02/14 1.10 3400 OTO 02/14 1.10 1600 OTO 02/14 1.60 5000 OTO 02/14 z 0.015 250 OTO 02/14 z 0.011 250 OTO 02/14 z 0.015 100 OTO 02/14 z 0.011 100 OTO 02/14 9.15 600 OTO 02/14 9.05 500 OTO 02/14 9.05 100 OTO 02/14 9.15 1900 OTO 02/14 9.05 1900 OTO 02/14
What do the letters mean on the left hand side of the "Time & Sales" column?
The "Time & Sales" column of the Quotemodule tool displays the "Trade Indicator" code on the left side of the column. A normal trade will have no Trade Indicators.
Here are the original code descriptions:
a = acquisition b = bunched trade - average price c = cash trade d = distribution e = automatic execution f = intermarket sweep g = bunched sold trade - opening/reopening trade detail h = intraday trade detail i = basket index on close transaction j = rule 127 trade k = rule 155 trade l = sold last n= next day o = opened p = prior reference price r = seller s = split trade t = form t trade - pre/post market trade u = extended hours trade - reported late or out of sequence w = average price trade y = yellow flagged regular trade z = sold - out of sequence
Since this is a unsolicited stock, we are the ones determining the market for the most part. When I see spreads like these, it usually indicates that there just are not that many shares out there for sale.