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03/23/04 10:44 PM

#162 RE: bbgold #161

Evening 'gold',

If you're gonna play the pennies....

You 'MUST' consider the following!

Subject: 'Leverage' aka 'Money Management'

You must use percentage/leverage, if you do, it becomes your friend.

Let's say you bought 'XYZ' @ .02 and for whatever the reason, you're still holding all your initial and subsequent buys. You come home from work one day and find it closed @ .075.... that's over 300%.... "I think you're starting to fall in love?" if you don't sell some now! Don't get caught holding a bag because you read some faceless and nameless post that said 'It's going to .12".

The thing has already given you over 300%.... in order for it to give you 1 more 100% it must "DOUBLE!!!".... 'hello!'

You're overdue. Sell some of your little boy/girl friend and go to cash and start looking for another 'Lolla Lovely' or "Mr. Wonderful'.

The attributes your new love interest should have should be the following:

1) The PPS should be at least 200% lower than the PPS of the stock you sold.

2) It should meet the same criteria that made you buy 'XYZ'.

3) If you don't find it today......"THERE'S NO RUSH".......'that's why God made tomorrow!'

The more shares you have the more 'bang for the buck'.

"LEVERAGE is KEY"!!!!!

Take care.
