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02/10/08 11:16 AM

#24722 RE: Crow3 #24720

This ole feller, the cynic..says that they will not in his reckoning, sell more than 10 myth guns at the most... that the ad he posted offering the Myth Gun for sale and asking for pre-production orders, did, in a word, result in NOTHING.. NO SALE.

Which means either give it up...or go on to the next carrot. Or lie about it, and say that hundreds if not thousands of poe.leece forces have expressed "interest" in that thang.

That last option has Jail-bird written faintly on the cover..
but if he does retreat to the pinkies..he can lie like a wet fake persian rug with little danger.

(if he does not file, they will tack an E onto CDEX and give him a few weeks to file. if he then does not file..they will oust him from the OTCBB)
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02/10/08 11:21 AM

#24723 RE: Crow3 #24720

Crow the area(s) that we have hinted towards in our filings for funding .. are sitting in limbo at this point unless it's happened in the last week or so..

I believe that I have run across an extensive list of law enforcement agencies wanting Meth related tools in "Ear Marked" Areas...

Of course Missouri took the bull by the horns and had their State Pick up the tab...


The Mid-Missouri Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Task Force has six agents covering almost 4,000 square miles. A portion of their funding comes from a grant, MOSMART, which was cut federally and then reinstated through the state's budget. The grant specifically helps aid the state's battle against meth.


and this came in last night...


Gov. Matt Blunt signed legislation Feb. 1, saving the Missouri Sheriff’s Methamphetamine Relief Teams (MoSMART) that were cut from federal funding this year. The legislation provides more than $1.8 million in supplemental funding to help in the state’s fight against meth after Congress eliminated federal support.

“The manufacture and use of meth is a scourge on our state and nation, and we must do everything in our power to fight this deadly drug,” Gov. Blunt said. “Working together with Missouri law enforcement, we have saved the task forces with this state funding to ensure we have the resources needed to protect Missouri families from this terrible drug.”

As far as the Home could we really have any big news come out of that Convention?

It seemed to be geared towards "Individuals that hold their own Licenses". So I doubt they (individuals) would put out a News Release that they even bought more than one Gun and if they did?

Welll I believe they would be marketing to the REalestate companys not putting out a General media blitz..

I had a home imspector that has been Nevada State Certified.. come in and I gave him our website..(He has been comming in to my salon for almost 10 years).

..he was excited and wanted to check out the if it excites him then I'm sure that it would excite a few others that have a Certification in the Inspection Business...

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02/10/08 12:43 PM

#24727 RE: Crow3 #24720

Crow: I prefur choice with the fat trimed, prime has all that fat you know. I am trying to cut the fat every where I can except the stock I buy and hold shares in. (CDEX)

Same spectulation on your part, and wrong again. However you say some funny things in some of your posts, I do like to read them and ROTFALMAO.
