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02/10/08 10:38 AM

#2294 RE: lowman #2293

Thankyou for the kind words. I have found in the past that the more one shares their dd, the more money gets made. Maybe its proof of karmic forces, but really for me it mostly gets back to something I mentioned yesterday - on a stock like Foamex, to really hit it, you not only had to buy in at the right time, but you also needed that big second set of cahonies to ride it out to 6 - since noone really has a 2nd set, the only way to keep your nerves under control is to have a good board where many eyes and minds can be running over the same data with their own insights. If you find a great little nugget of dd you can either keep it for yourself - but you run the risk of misinterpreting or not realizing its full implications - but if you share it (if you have a good place to share it) with a diverse group, you inevitably get much closer to the true significance, or lack of significance as it sometimes turns out - but thats just as valuable to keep you from making a poor trade on something misunderstood. I absolutely love bk investing - and you are right, the fear and doubt of the uniniated makes it more profitbably - but that mostly occurs at the onset where the stock takes a 90% haircut going into court as people flee, and then keeping it at that low price as others are fearful to even look at a pinksheet penny stock with a q on it. I've found if I am out and folks get to talking about what they do, and I mention bk penny stocks as my sole focus, if there is a broker in the room, I get the most smug condescending look - and the irony of the morons who couldn't trade their way out of a wet paper bag dismissing something they know nothing about because they never bothered to investigate is just endlessly amusing. I only wound up here down at the bottom after a few years of playing it the old fashioned way - buying Mike Murphy's frontloader rag and George Gilders stuff. Needless to say I lost my arse royally. I believed all the hype and crap and had bot amongst other pos's Comdisco - 200 shares at $30. Comdisco went to .001 eventually - never was worse selling and I already had all the realized losses I would need for years to come. So it sat there in my account as reminder of what a dumb sh1t I had been - but over time it creeped back up to .20 - on my 200 shares it didn't really matter, but struck me - what if I had dumped my 6k in there at .001 instead of $30 - the same stock would have provided one of the most unbelievable returns in a market that at that time was still in the crapper. I have no idea why, but most people would still see Comdisco only as a money pit, when quite the opposite was true. While I still think Mike Murphy is and was a schlock, I don't regret having 'invested' like I used to because I never would have stumbled into this fascinating area otherwise.