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Replies to #11936 on Bible (Bible)
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02/10/08 2:51 AM

#11937 RE: excel #11936

California Approves Restrictions for Nonprofits

The California Assembly OK'd a bill last week that would force some nonprofits to record the sexual orientation of board members, as well as the number of grants awarded to homosexual groups.

According to, under AB 624, foundations with assets over $250 million would be compelled to collect information including the racial, gender and sexual orientation composition of the board of directors; and the number of grants awarded to organizations serving ethnic minority communities and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities.

"Requiring foundations to collect — and publicize — the gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation of their directors and staffs, and the same data for communities and groups receiving their grants, is no doubt an incremental step toward forced diversity quotas," said Becky Burgoyne, research analyst for the California Family Council.

AB 624 will be considered by the Senate within the next few months.

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02/11/08 12:11 PM

#11978 RE: excel #11936

If that makes me weap, imagine how God feels.
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02/11/08 4:20 PM

#11998 RE: excel #11936

As I always do when I see these type of articles about how state or federal government...or heck even local for that matter, are coming to the conclusions of what is right and wrong ...good and bad...moral or unmoral...can or can not be just makes me mad beyond my own belief..These elected people will do all they can to run these types of things down our throat and if we dont submit to them in some reasonable their liking...then they just pass it into an ordnance or law telling me, in just one more way of life, what I can or can not do or what I can or can not think....Ive just about had it up to here with these elected people and their double standards.....

Church and and and state...they will shout it from the dome of the capital about keeping religion out of government...O my God this is what our forefathers to keep religion and government apart!...BUT...if and when ole man government wants to stick their sneeky little nose into religion...behind the back of the minority of people here in the good ole U.S of A...called Christians...thats just alright....Well, did I say ive just about had enough...

Now...Back to what I often think when I read these articles.....I can only shake in total disbelief as to what a even more screwed up country this would be...IF.....

Im 51...when I was a kid in the 50's and 60's...what if back then..big brother would have stepped in and said more prayer in the more reading of the Bible....The people from where I am from, and I "think" probably all over the USA....would have just about taken up arms against the government for even thinking such a thing...and I can guarantee you the next time election rolled around they would have been looking for a job!...I keep up to date, as im sure many of you do, of these types of religion / government things at folks take a stand and put it right to the elected folk and they do get results....

Then we add...Throw the 10 commandments out...take God out of the pledge....teach man with man is ok...dont pray...put the Bible in the library where it belongs...dont mention Jesus you might hurt someones feelings.....WELL just to bad for them....God is really going to hurt their feelings when they go CRAWLING TO HIM ON JUDGEMENT DAY.....

excel! I just got up and you already got me fired up...Thanks a lot...LOL....ok..thats it for now...I reckon y'all got my point...probably more than you wanted to hear..BUT...Im just tired of it and I know God is tired of it as well...

O point.....If all of this had happened back in the 50's and 60's.....think what a messed up country this would be that it is all happening...think what a screwed up country it is going to be in about 30 more years if God lets us stay on this planet that long!

Love the sinner...hate the sin!