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Replies to #11843 on Bible (Bible)
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02/07/08 3:06 PM

#11850 RE: plugger #11843


Many people say many things, sometimes it's just a particular point in their life(and they find themselves changing their opinion) and sometimes just because of what they have been tough they are.

I know and understand the canon of Scripture, and to me the Bible is enough, but in truth the Holy Spirit is the only true interpreter and comforter in our times of trouble.Jesus sent Him

So I really don't care what others say about it and like you I'm not really big on names, except of course the name of Jesus which has great power. But even He, Jesus made it very clear not all those who cry Lord Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven they will say did we prophesy in your name and did we not cast out demons in your name, and he will say to them depart from me for I never knew you. The knew you there, means ask Adam knew Eve. Intimately, relationally and emotionally. When God created Adam in the Garden of Eden, he created Adam to share his Creation with. But as for Adam he found no mate, so it seems Adam was enough for God but God was't enough for Adam. Therefore God took a rib from Adam and fashioned Eve. As Jesus is considered the second Adam we should be considered the second Eve and one day at the great marriage supper of the Lamb we will be the consummated Bride of Christ.

So I wouldn't waste a lot of time. I would take the time to see what the Holy Spirit's saying to me and that's how I live my life with Christ liveing in me for over 30 years of service. The writings of James the brother of Jesus have been a tremendous help to me and there is power in His Word, therefore I have no argument to make or fingers to point, it is His Truth that sets me free and that's just a fact no one can take from me,,, thank you plugger :-) Val