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Replies to #11841 on Bible (Bible)
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02/07/08 2:39 PM

#11846 RE: plugger #11841

plugger, I am in no way offended. I hope I didn't offend you. From what I have learned, people can and do (through the Holy Spirit) speak in other known languages to people. Sometimes the person speaking in tongues understands (interprets) what is being said and sometimes the person has no idea what they are talking about, although they are speaking fluently in another language.

And a person can speak in unknown tongues and only a person with the gift of interpretation can interpret what is being said. It may be the person who was talking or it may be another person who interprets.

Speaking in unknown tongues has been used in intercession for others who are in danger. I do not have a Bible verse for this. But I have heard of it many times.

When you speak in tongues, you edify (to instruct or benefit, esp. morally or spiritually; uplift) yourself. (1 Cor 14:4 He that speaketh in an [unknown] tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church.)

Please ask me anything you want. I will be glad to help if I can or I will try to find an answer for you.

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02/07/08 4:18 PM

#11861 RE: plugger #11841

Plugger, as you know there is much discussion in this the year of 2008 and have been for sometime about the whole "speaking in tongues" spiritual like you, im not going to knock anyones thoughts are beliefs about something that we can read of in the good book. As long as we are walking in the true light...all is well with our soul.

Now I have said before that I was raised in a Church of God church in the 50's and 60's...mountain folk. These dear people were good God loving folk and they held dear to their Bible and all that it says. There was on the occasion
that 2 or 3 men.. members of the church...I dont remember exactly....would start to tremble and mumble and then maybe fall out in the floor or to a knee or just stand up and start to talk jiberish...I use that word only as what it sounded like to me as a kid. Usually the preacher would keep right on preaching and most folks just sit and listened to the preacher like nothing was out of the ordinary
....which to them there wasnt...this person was as we know it ...was "speaking in tongues." But, my mom and grandma has made mention to me in the past when this conversation has come up that even at that time some didnt think it was no longer right to do so...or maybe I should say no reason to do so.....

The reason for this I said these folks held the Bible and all in it dear to their heart...but here was the problem...well not problem...but what their understanding of "speaking in tongues" was all about.

Yes, "speaking in tongues" is a gift that is talked about in the Bible....Having the gift is like any other of the gifts...It dont show a persons faith... It does not make that person any more of a believer, any closer to God, it was a gift given by the Holy Spirit just as all spiritual gifts are given by the spirit...

But my understanding is that this gift.."speaking in tongues" was given to those in the times of the Bible for two reasons and two reasons only....
1 Corinthians 14:22 (KJV)
22...Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.

"Speaking in Tongues was a gift given to those (Apostles) that had taken up their cross and had set out upon the world to spread the Gospel of Jesus....To lands unknown of nothing but unbelievers. This was the days of Jesus and after and most folks didnt know of Jesus and the new covenant of salvation. So with the ability to speak in tongues was the gift for these people to be able to speak in unknown languages to them to spread the gospel.

The other reason was to confirm the Gospel message. When the apostles used the gift of tongues it was because they did not have what we have today, the completed Word of God. When they went about preaching the Gospel, their message was confirmed by the using of the gifts. Speaking in tongues as well as the other gifts by the spirit verified both the message and the messenger.

Thats way some in that Church of God Church said it was no longer needed and no longer a gift that was given by the Holy Spirit...Because the means is among us to communicate in some way with everyone in the world today...and because we have the full gospel written down in the Bible......

And on the other hand of the discussion...there is the "praying in tongues"...which is another whole can of worms........What I that the "praying in tongues" is a gift that some believers have that enables them to pray a special prayer to God in a special like language or feeling that is of the spirit for the purpose of renewing themselves or edifying (enlightening or uplifting) themselves. Here is some of the thoughts or arguments that have ran by me.

How could praying in tongues be for self-edification when Scripture says that the spiritual gifts are for the edification of the church, not the self?
How can praying in tongues be a private prayer language if tongues is a sign to unbelievers ?
The Bible makes it clear that not everyone possesses the gift of tongues. How can tongues be a gift for self-edification if not every believer can possess it? Do we not all need to be edified?

So as far as im concerned...I know the speaking in tongues was a common thing in the days before the gospel was written down and as a tool to win souls before human kind had the ability to communicate around the world with each other.

As far as praying in tongues...We can all call upon the Holy Spirit to pray for us when we do not know how or why...As far as one believer being able to call upon God in a special way that other believers dont have access to...I just dont see that. Or if it is any other kind of prayer for any other kin of need, why would it fall under the "praying in tongues" category when there is other gifts that cover that need.

I personally just dont see the gift of "speaking in tongues" or "praying in tongues" being in need today. Yes God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow....but this whole gift thing is all to do with what the Holy Spirit gives to different believers to get us through day to day and for the growth of the body of Christ. If tongues was for the benefit of the unbelievers through interpretation
...I just dont see the need today.

But that is just my thoughts...Trust not saying my way or the road to Damascus here. As long as we are on the same page of God..Jesus...Holy Spirit...and all that goes with them...we will see each other in heaven!