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02/05/02 6:04 PM

#41 RE: jmhollen #40

Hey hollen- There doesn't seem to be anyone here but you, and now me.

I particularly like the way you point out that Tirex hasn't gone "pink". Now there is a really important criteria. That they haven't delivered any substantial amounts of crumb rubber on their Animat order shouldn't matter. That it took them two years to update their website shouldn't matter. Do you really think that anyone will believe a Tirex press release about a machine sale? LOL I suppose it will be in Puerto Rico where the Tirex attorney Mr. F has been paid to orchestrate a deal. Let's see, the last Puerto Rico deal was Epstein's hustle. What ever happened to that one? Speaking of Epsteins, what ever happened to Wm. Epstein of Floogle fame? And will Crossley, Cullilford and Maffiotti ever stop arguing long enough to get anything done? Oh yeah...the Sinclair suit was thrown out on the basis of venue. It's been refiled and is still pending in Quebec.

What happened to those Belgian investors, eh? Did they run away screaming? LOL!