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02/04/08 11:12 AM

#580756 RE: Zeev Hed #580746

Just saw your news, Dr. Hed, and all I can say is WOW! You are living, breathing proof of what the Power of Positive Thinking, when combined with the Power of Prayer, can accomplish! When determined spirits unite their efforts in a common cause, there is nothing that cannot be achieved.

Some years ago I had a friend who had AIDS (he has since passed on). We were talking one evening about how one feels when staring Death in the face, and my friend said something I've never forgotten -- he said one has always to look for the positive side of things. I asked what could be positive about having AIDS, and he replied that knowing his time on this earth was nearing an end had caused him to get his priorities in line and concentrate on what was truly important in life. He filled his days with friends and laughter and love and said he was happier than he had ever been, despite having AIDS.

There is a bright side to everything, but sometimes we have to work a little harder to find it. I'll bet it feels great to know you won't have to be drinking any more of that bloody hemlock for a while, eh? Best of luck going forward, and we'll all carry on praying for your complete recovery.

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02/04/08 11:50 AM

#580761 RE: Zeev Hed #580746

Giants won. We will likely see bear on trampoline... as we saw DOW hinting it, noted on the previous post, and now the Superbowl Champion Giants hinting it.
Posted by: __1Best__
In reply to: None
Date:2/4/2008 10:31:15 AM
Post #of 5718

DOW was leading until it is pulling back today. Would like to see trading above 12800 with conviction even though technically DOW is hinting, with 43 points, that the recent pull back is a correction of bull market, not a transition to a bear market.