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02/04/08 5:05 AM

#55838 RE: fuagf #55837

We Are All Palestinian
Editorial By Gideon Polya
Page 1 of 2

Apartheid Israel’s Gaza Concentration Camp & Palestinian Genocide

Not sure if this will work as it changes inside, is very good.

For over 40 years the World has watched the increasingly abusive imprisonment of Occupied Palestinians (now 4 million) by Racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel in what is described as a “Prison” by anti-racist, humanitarian Jewish scholars such a Professor Noam Chomsky (MIT, Boston, YUSA) and Professor Ilan Pappe (Israeli academic now in the UK).

In the last weeks we have seen the increasing desperation of the Palestinian inmates as Apartheid Israel continued its targeting of 1.5 million Gazans for the crime of returning a huge majority of Hamas representatives in the 2006 Occupied Palestinian elections held under racist Zionist guns – desperation that lead to the breakout from the Gaza Concentration camp at the Rafah weak-link of the border with US-complicit Egypt.

The Answer to why Palestinians would be so desperate to break out of the Gaza Concentration Camp is only 2 mouse-clicks away - you have only to click onto the UNICEF website and thence to the Occupied Palestinian Territory entry (see: here ) where you will discover that 3,000 under-5 Occupied Palestinians die each year. Comparisons with other countries will reveal that about 2,400 of these infant deaths are avoidable, that Zionist-run Apartheid is deliberately, remorselessly (albeit passively) murdering 2,400 Occupied Palestinian infants each year through deliberate, intentional and war criminal

NON-provision of life-sustaining requisites unequivocally demanded of Occupiers by Articles 55
and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War).

However the bigger picture derives from UN
Population Division and UNHCR data that reveal that ..

post-invasion Occupied Palestinian excess deaths total 0.3 million, post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.2 million and that there are about 7 million Palestinian refugees (see “Zionism, Occupation & Palestinian Genocide” on MWC News: . This constitutes a Palestinian Holocaust and a Palestinian Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention.

However behind these awful statistics lie horrendously abusive conditions
that are also reported by UNICEF. Half of the Occupied Palestinians are children who are being denied proper food, nutrition, medicine, medical aid, sanitation, physical and psychological security, education and basic human rights by the proto-Nazi Zionists running the Occupied Palestinian Territory Concentration camp.

My family’s story

Many years ago racist invaders occupied my family’s country, my people were subject to brutality, dispossession, torture and killing - several hundred thousand of my people died out of a population of the order of a million. Our homes and lands were taken so that, even if permitted to return, refugees would have nothing to return to. Several years ago the European Union approved our dispossession.

My family was Palestinian, you say?

No. In 1944 the German Nazis invaded Hungary, 0.2 million out of 0.7 million Jewish Hungarians were killed and many of the survivors fled immediately after 1945 or during the Hungarian Revolution in 1956.
In 2004 Hungary entered the EU with the EU approval of the permanent dispossession of Jewish Hungarian victims of Nazism and thence Communism.Our lands and homes have been simply given to others. Indeed a relative reported visiting one such property in the heart of Budapest – it was converted into 4 apartments decorated with paintings and photographs of our family members for the amusement of total strangers.

Comparison of the Palestinian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust in Hungary is appropriate. The Jewish Holocaust occurring in Hungary in 1944 -1945 killed 0.2 million out of a total Jewish Hungarian population of 0.7 million (see: Gilbert, M. (1969), Jewish History Atlas (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London).

Gilbert, M. (1982), Atlas of the Holocaust (Michael Joseph, London). The survivors who fled as refugees remain permanently dispossessed with EU, UK and US approval.

The Palestinian Genocide involved invasion, occupation, disempowerment, dispossession, violence, ethnic cleansing and (within the Holy Land) post-1967 excess deaths totalling 0.3 million out of an average 1967-2008 Occupied Palestinian territory population of 1.8 million. The survivors who fled as refugees remain permanently dispossessed with EU, US, UK and US-lackey Australian approval.

Whereas the Jewish Holocaust involved rapid, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, race-based extermination for Nazi and Nazi collaborator benefit and gratification, the Palestinian Genocide has involved slow, anti-Arab anti-Semitic ethnic cleansing for Zionist lebensraum.

The fundamental message from the Holocaust AND from the Palestinian Genocide is zero tolerance for racism. You can understand why – apart from being an anti-racist humanitarian – it is impossible for me to be actively or passively complicit in any racist agenda and why I am obligated to oppose the horrendous treatment of the Palestinian People by Zionist-run Apartheid Israel.

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