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02/03/08 1:23 PM

#99618 RE: Go Panamersa Corp #99617

"if this were a scam though, what would be the point of kicking you out of the exchange if there is no REAL exchange"

Using Midas as an example.....perhaps to keep a full rein in on other PDR holders so not to scare off new on lookers?


02/03/08 2:02 PM

#99619 RE: Go Panamersa Corp #99617

Until they give Midas his stock back as well as his money for PDRs sold, they didn't really just "kick him out". What they did do was steal his money and assets.

No big surprise there though. From the very beginning, they have run this thing as though it were nothing but a total scam, theft and pump and dump operation. They have violated securities laws, issued false PRs, concocted fake financials and otherwise proven themselves to be totally untrustworthy crooks.


02/03/08 2:22 PM

#99620 RE: Go Panamersa Corp #99617

I did not state that they kicked me out to protect any private information. They kicked me out hoping I would come to the board and say something. When I did not they 'let slip' the information that I had been removed. They want to intill fear in anyone that belongs to the fundation to not question the fundations motives and to not do any research and post that research negatively about the fundation. I don't know where you got the impression it was to protect any sort of private information. They are playing on your fear. "Say anything bad and we will kick you out. See what happened to Midas." This way none of the longs will continue to research anything bad much less say anything for fear of being removed.


02/03/08 3:03 PM

#99626 RE: Go Panamersa Corp #99617

Here is just a small amount of the evidence that this is a criminal scam.

1. They touted a debit card that never existed.

2. They touted the upcoming release of audited financials that did not exist.

3. They touted the upcoming "uplisting" of the stock that was never really underway.

4. They touted that the stock was being naked shorted and that they would force a short squeeze when it was not true.

5. (and this is a biggie) They posted fake financials to their website in which they lied and claimed to have been making 10s of millions of dollars in operating profits per quarter and to be sitting on 190 million plus in assets.

6. They lied about having hundreds of millions of dollars in gold reserves.

7. They lied about owning millions of dollars in interest bearing Venezuelan bonds. (they did this to copy the Rufus Harris CSHD scam)

9 They touted that they were building a "Pirate Theme Park" when it was not true.

9. (Another biggie) They lied and said that if people would turn over their certs to them with a medallion guarantee, they could convert them to PDRs and sell them on the PDR Excahnge and get their money for the sales within 2 weeks. People believed them, did what was asked and are still waiting more than 6 months later for their money.

10. They just recently pulled the Fairchild Holdings & Advisory Firm Corp scam which has been thoroughly discussed and outted on this message board as nothing but one lie piled on top of another. It was never in business for 50 years as claimed. It was not an investment advisory firm as claimed, they had not generated 34% annualized returns for 50 years as claimed, it did not put out Business Wire PRs as claimed, etc, etc, etc.

How much more evidence would anyone need that these guys are swindlers?


02/03/08 3:51 PM

#99634 RE: Go Panamersa Corp #99617

If this was not a real scam, they would have sent Midas his cash and certs and all assets he had in the excahnge and be done with it, but seeing as they did not keep there word that speaks volumes of them, and that they don't have the certs or the cash to send back to him....Yup this is a scam..

janice shell

02/03/08 4:58 PM

#99649 RE: Go Panamersa Corp #99617

if this were a scam though, what would be the point of kicking you out of the exchange if there is no REAL exchange. You said before that they kicked you out maybe to protect the private information only available to PDR Holders or foundation members (because they were afraid you would break the privacy agreement). Well, that doesn't make sense if that were the case, because there is nothing to protect.

Maybe that's what they wanted to protect. "All of that nothing", in the words of another sleazy penny stock CEO. And probably part of the intention was simply to intimidate others. Having seen what happened to Midas, PDR holders might hesitate to complain.

Yeah, it's stupid, but much of what they've done has been stupid.