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lee kramer

02/02/08 1:17 PM

#580662 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Hi ZEEV: Great news...I'm impressed the way you handled the whole migilah.
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02/02/08 1:37 PM

#580664 RE: Zeev Hed #580659


This is just terrific news and thanks for informing us here on ihub. You must have felt all the good vibes swirling out there in cyberspace! All the best!

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02/02/08 1:39 PM

#580665 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

This is fantastic news, Zeev. The prayers will continue until the oncologist gives you the "all clear" (which will happen!)

My mother in law is makiing a similar recovery from multiple myeloma. She is nearing the point where she can discontinue the chemo.
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02/02/08 1:53 PM

#580666 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

That's wonderful news Zeev.

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Bruce A Thompson

02/02/08 3:09 PM

#580669 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Great News Zeev

Our prayers are with you for your continued recovery.

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02/02/08 3:21 PM

#580670 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Great news to hear,Zeev.
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02/02/08 3:41 PM

#580671 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Zeev, I think of you often. Thank God there is improvement. I will have a better weekend with the news of your improvement. Keep up the struggle, you are an inspiration to a lot of people.

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02/02/08 3:55 PM

#580672 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

absolutely wonderful progress Zeev. May you stay the course.
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Dr Stoxx

02/02/08 4:41 PM

#580673 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Excellent news, Zeev. An answer to prayers...
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02/02/08 5:02 PM

#580674 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Hello, Zeev. Such good news. A fierce battle you have waged, and all the while you have manned your post. Perhaps a few less "shots" fired >g< and a bit more dry powder in the pouch than normal, but those MM's know you are still out there, banging away.
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02/02/08 5:22 PM

#580675 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Wonderful news !!
Preyers are powerful medicine.
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02/02/08 5:27 PM

#580676 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Glad to hear it, Zeev! Stay fresh.
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02/02/08 5:37 PM

#580677 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Great news, Z !!!
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02/02/08 6:11 PM

#580678 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Adding my congratulations to your news, life is so precious. Enjoy each day, and may all of us continue to read and enjoy the comments of this board.

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02/02/08 6:25 PM

#580679 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Hi Zeev, I'm very happy to hear your condition is improving.

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02/02/08 8:02 PM

#580680 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Very inspirational Zeev.....I can only hope that my resolve, at its time, will be so resolute! I pray that your progress continues.
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02/02/08 8:25 PM

#580681 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Truly heartwarming news, Zeev. Cheers! Barbara
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02/02/08 10:15 PM

#580684 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Thanks for the positive update! You will continue to be in our prayers. God bless!
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02/02/08 10:45 PM

#580685 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Zeev--BEST news I've heard all week (see story)

Trade on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay in touch.

Stay strong.

God Bless.

A little related story:

There's a little Canadian Goose that's lived (I should really say, simply "survived") here at this little lake that we reside at for the past year....... despite all odds dead set against her.

She's got a broken wing..... so she can't fly....... and while her 3,000 to 4,000 friends flew away in migration last year's spring, she remained here all alone. Totally alone, all last summer and spring.

Thinking it very "odd" that she remained here last April/May, I soon discovered that the reason why was her broken wing. With not a lot of native foods here--I then took it upon myself to feed her on a daily basis. It took me several weeks to gain her trust, but eventually she seemed to realize that I was simply trying to help her.

And this little goose and I have since become good friends. We meet once a day....... and talk for a few minutes.... as we share a daily meal together.

And I'll oftentimes refer to and talk about this 10 minutes of my day as "the best and most rewarding 10 minutes" of my ENTIRE 24-hour day.

Q-time, "quality time."

(Does NOT matter how much money I've made or lost in the market on a given day...... more important is these 10 minutes I've been blessed with which I've been allowed to share together with one of God's creatures.......this "stupid" little Canadian Goose.)

Well--winter is now coming to an end, and this little Canadian Goose who's taken on the name "Lucy-the-Goosie" appears to have survived a winter here where there's very little natural food supply.

Recently it seems that she's apparently found herself a "boyfriend" goose..... so with luck.... there may will be a brood of little geese here this coming springtime.

You know--It's amazing sometimes what can happen with just a "little belief..... along with a little help and support from our friends."

Zeev--I'm glad to learn that YOU'RE doing well. Very glad.

Stay strong.

You remain an inspiration to us all.

Your friend,


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market watcher

02/03/08 12:35 AM

#580688 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Zeev - I am very happy to hear to the good news. God blesses you.
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02/03/08 12:46 AM

#580689 RE: Zeev Hed #580659


Great news!! Prayers of all on this board as well as your family and friends definitely helped.

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02/03/08 1:54 AM

#580691 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Just tremendous Zeev, just tremendous.
This is a cool community here.
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golf nut

02/03/08 7:45 AM

#580693 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Great news and continue your healing, we'll continue our prayers.
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02/03/08 8:29 AM

#580694 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Zeev that is great news, wishing in continues for you and your family........
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02/03/08 9:02 AM

#580696 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

That's wonderful news, Zeev.... and I'm hoping that it only gets better.
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02/03/08 10:44 AM

#580698 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

That's wonderful news Zeev. My prayers continue for you. Attack this sucker while it's down. We'll turn up the volume on the prayers.
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02/03/08 10:49 AM

#580699 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Wonderful news and as I said before prayer works as it did for my wife as well. Cograts
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02/03/08 12:13 PM

#580700 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

we all hope for more good news zeev
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02/03/08 1:13 PM

#580701 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Good things also happen to good people -- way to go Zeev
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Cactus Jack

02/03/08 2:05 PM

#580702 RE: Zeev Hed #580659


That is great news. Our prayers will continue for you.

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02/03/08 2:08 PM

#580703 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Excellent are my hero! Very impressive!
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02/03/08 3:58 PM

#580712 RE: Zeev Hed #580659


I suspected as much since you were starting to sound like the old Zeev. Great progress after a hard battle so congrats and continued success. We all appreciate your daily posts and hope to see more every day.

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02/03/08 9:36 PM

#580717 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

zeev -- and all wishing for the best for zeev -- today, 02/03/08 is the 55h birthday of my daughter who died of liver cancer on 11/30/07 -- only important if all of us remember that we all have a fatal illness -- and every day is a countdown to the final day of our lives

not a downer -- every day should be celebration of life

and we can all see that zeev celebrates his life every day as he posts

best wishes, zeev, may god bless

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02/04/08 12:00 AM

#580720 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

That is very good news. Keep strong...
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02/04/08 12:02 AM

#580721 RE: Zeev Hed #580659


Best news I've heard all year. Keep up posted with the good news.


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02/04/08 1:37 AM

#580723 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Great news and thank you for sharing it with the thread. Wishing you nothing but the best!

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02/04/08 7:10 AM

#580725 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

great news Zeeve, I have been on zometa since fda approved, healing my bones too!
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02/04/08 9:47 AM

#580736 RE: Zeev Hed #580659


Wonderful news.

BTW, are you doing anything nutritionwise to hold onto this lead?

Enjoy each day the Lord blesses you with your family.

And, even more importantly, enjoy Him.

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George the Greek

02/04/08 10:15 AM

#580745 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Ze'ev, terrific news you shared on your health!
Good to hear.

Tough times with my sister chronically ill here, we know how rough it can be.
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02/04/08 12:37 PM

#580774 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Zeev, I want to add my name to the list of well wishers. Keep up the good fight, Zeev.

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02/04/08 2:27 PM

#580791 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Dear Zeev,
Happy to hear the good news. We, I and my family are thinking of you and praying for you in our way. The medicine science makes a lot of progress every single day plus your strong will and discipline, great support and our collective sincere good wishes -it WILL work.
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02/04/08 3:24 PM

#580805 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Blessings, Zeev. (Just read the good news!) You are an inspiration to all . . . praying for your continued improvement and good health.
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See Shasta

02/04/08 6:15 PM

#580815 RE: Zeev Hed #580659

Awesome news! Thank you for sharing!
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02/04/08 6:51 PM

#580816 RE: Zeev Hed #580659


Excellent News!

I'm sure everyone wishes you the best and a full recovery. Keep on getting better and better; every day, in every way!
