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01/26/08 4:58 PM

#98390 RE: Stockslayer06 #98388

Have you called them?


01/26/08 5:19 PM

#98396 RE: Stockslayer06 #98388

>fincen is a joke? Call them and ask about mike terrel and Panamersa

Since it's now the weekend (meaning calling today would
be pointless), if you have already called them, would
you mind relaying what they told you about MT and Panamersa?

Thanks in advance (unless you already posted what they
told you, and I missed it).


01/26/08 5:24 PM

#98398 RE: Stockslayer06 #98388

Number one they are not a federal Law enforcement agency a like a division under the Department of Treasury. Members in law enforcement use FINCEN as a way to share information in better words deconflict information so if one agency has an investigation going on and another agency is investigating the same thing they are then put together.

It is a think tank for Law enforcement. Agencies use it to train each other and work together. You speak of FINCEN like they are some great financial crimes investigatory agency. NOT also they should not be sharing information to the general public the information they have is law enforcement sensitive and should NOT be public information.

If you think that there is a crime going on especially an over seas crime. FINE. You can call 1800-ICE-TIPS or call the FBI. ICE and the FBI handle financial investigations in some case the department of commerce does also most likely not in this case. The SEC does not investigate crimes they pass it off to the FBI/DOJ. OK

Look I am not happy with what is going on also this stock should have been at a .01 by now. Things that the company heads are doing and saying just do not add up.

If MIDAS is owed money regardless the company should write him a check it simple.
I for one will ride it out and give it this year I invested the money no one forced me too. I will wait and see what happens. If I loose then it is on me if a crime has been done then I will file a complaint like everyone else and wait to see what happens.

But FOR ALL THOSE WHO FEEL THAT A CRIME IS BEING COMMITTIED. Then start making complaints in writing and in emails to the SEC, ICE and FBI even on the State level. If enough people write then they might and I mean might start to look at it.