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Neutral Man

01/26/08 7:57 AM

#38323 RE: 2bit-nothing #38318

2bit-ster... A Very Academic pictorial for sure and more likely than I'd like to admit and here's why?

Obviously you to are a Wannbee Zhin_Master as I am, and we both share our convictions of said Pivot Power, hence, we both try to discern the mystical Power of said Pivots (in other words, whatdaHell da-Boyz gonna do NEXT, LOL)!?

Every Frickin place I go players be Talkin bout a DROP, Re-Visit to previous lows, lower prices Lie-ing ahead? Even dat SorryAsskie Cramer is telling viewers to, well, Prepare for a Abysmal Discount Wave that will offer up a GREAT Buy-ing Opp, OUCH!?

Dis-NEVER comes off as a Good Thing, TOO many Cooks can definitely SPOIL da-Outcome, yes? And when said OUT-Come is Advertised in Advance, we get Suspicious, well, like REALLY Quickly!?

Ok, let's review shall we? We called da-Bottom on Wed at 41.97, ok - off by .36 de-centos so sue me, whatever, told EVERYONE to get LONG and we did, 100% long in fact!

And, we 4cast a move back up to the OE Pivot, 45.35, with a possible extension to the R1, 45.92, and in ONLY two days we got dare, that's a 10% move in 48 freaken hours, damn near unprecedented! And we pull back to just shy of the S2, 44.20, on a CLOSE-ing basis, but more importantly, FAIL to CLOSE above the OE Pivot line! This is KEY as the OE Pivot holds the Key to future price action because until we CLOSE above we be constrained to playout the FebOE below said line, OUCH!?

Ok, so now we be calling a ST Top, 45.87, ok - off by .05 de-centos so sue me, whatever, and a completion of the left side of a "W" bottom formation and we likely to be heading back down to complete the right side of said "W" formation, BIG DEAL, it's nuttin but a Buncha talk at this point, well, writing but you know what I mean, LOL!? Well, the 41.97 low wasn't talk but is the 45.92 ST top talk, or NOT?

Well, let's do some Extrapolation shall we GrassHopper's?

If this is true and we maintain the average wkly PM, now running at a ridiculous 6%, then we can extrapolate next weeks trading range, yes?

If we can NOT get above 45.35 then we extrapolate this range?

45.35 x .94 = 42.62 which yields a wkly result of:
Wkly Pivot, 43.99
High, 45.35
Low, 42.62
Range, 2.73
PM, 6.2%

If we ONLY make it up to the S2, 44.22, we get this range?

44.22 x .94 = 41.57 (which isn't far off da-OEPM 4cast), and yields a wkly result of:
Wkly Pivot, 43.99
High, 44.22
Low, 41.57
Range, 2.65
PM, 6.0%

As you can see, even the most Academic player can submit to this thought processes (it's actually compiled using complex derivitive calculations based on Mean Reversion templates of the Universe but hey, who's patten himself on da-Back now, LOL)

Anywho, if ones dismisses said Obvious Eventualities then one can take the opposing view, as da-Universe often does to maintain Equalibriumal Eternalties, then one can conclude that the Energies being stored up for said Falling into da-Abyss Discount Wave will have to RELEASE said Energy in a way that they did not intend and hence release a BUY-ing Spree that of which we haven't seen before? Even more powerful than the one taking us from 41.61 to 45.87, Wowza, is dat even possible!? More daunting, who da-Hell has the calculating power to extrapolate such a force, Not I said He nor She, Ka-Piece, LOL!?

In Summary, I MUST entertain your contensions of ill repute and abandon me suspicions, even if for ONLY a moment in time, as I do me freaken HOME-WRK, Collect data of meaning, correlate said data for meaningful extrapolations, discern it as any good steward should, then GET me SorryAsskie self back in dare and PLAY dis-Game as ONLY da-OEPM factor would allow!

It is with great Discernment and Admiration that I respond in kind to such a Worthy opponent and wish you Great Blessings, as I prepare to Kick your SorryAsskie into da-Abyss as we join da-Boyz in their ever Fruitful endeavors of, well, DUP-ing-em AGAIN, da-Players that dare go against them of course!?

But you can rest assured me fine intended Friend, well, looks like FOE next week, LOL, that we'll be their to engage you and others as we all attempt to DUP da-House, play by da-House Rules and submit to the fact that the House always wins! And since da-Boyz be da-house they likely gonna get da-Best of us in the END, LOL, well, Not da-OEPM players but pretty much EVERYONE else, especially da-TA, Chart, Fibs & lies players for sure (4get about da-E-WAVE-r's though, they provide a steady flow of gains for da-Boyz so we'll let-em think that their Genius's as they constantly re-configure their E's and Wave's to Fit some kinda 5 of 5 of 5, are deeze guyz for REAL, NOT in Me LIFE-TIME would I be found WAVE-ing to one of dooze FOOLS, altough, I suspect da-Boyz would buy-em a Drink every Chance they get, if not only to get a chance to let-em know that they are, well, GENIUS's, LMFAO - AGAIN)!?

As always, it's been a pleasure and me look forward to meeting you on da-SAME SIDE someday!

God Bless you and God bless EVERYONE,