COPI - Their software is link to the DNC Registry, it said COPI software has a link to the registry, so the 30 day law is not broken. Many Telemarkerts are relying on this type of software to prevent lawsuits. My friends whom are US Army recruiters say they are using this type of software, as a free trial. Military is except from this DO Not Call law.
Enforcing the Do No Call Law
The Federal Do Not Call Law is enforced by both the FTC and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). To report a violation, go to and click on “File a complaint.” Remember, for a violation to have occurred, all of these conditions must apply:
The call was made to a residential or cellular phone number at least 31 days after the date the phone number was registered with the DNC registry. The purpose of the telemarketer’s call was to solicit you to buy, rent or invest in property, goods or services. Remember that calls from charitable, religious or other organizations that solicit contributions, memberships, opinions, and the like are generally not in violation of the Georgia or Federal Do Not Call Laws. The telemarketer’s company and you (or a member of your household) do not have a prior or current business or personal relationship. Federal regulations limit the scope of a prior business relationship to the 18 months preceding a purchase or acquisition and the preceding three months before you made an inquiry or application. Calls made to the consumer or another household member during these periods are not violations.