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01/21/08 11:54 PM

#6178 RE: bartermania #6176

same basic cover-up of evidence and crime scene at all 3: the Waco, TX Branch Davidian's home...the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK...and the WTC towers and site. no coincidence here imo. this rots in a huge way. we've got major problems here folks. similar there also are in the assassinations of major champions for the people here over the past 40+ years and more. we have secret goverance/spying/sabotage and control here...backed up by many levels of secret police, massive amounts of enslavement laws, a privately owned currency issued as debt + interest (a largely completely controlled economy) and prisons. this does not equal freedom to me.

- humanity has some serious flaws. hopefully, they are not everlastingly fatal flaws. one cannot fix and/or change what one is not aware of nor that which one does not yet understand. even if it is true that i was born into a sort of hell...a State of ever-increasing torment on this Earth (in some ways at least...fotunately, my understanding is increasing and this is something i value highly and so it is good)...that does not mean i will just give up and accept all this garbage, trends and tendecies as unchangable. i am against that which is wrong. i still believe there is a way out/solutions to this waking nightmare that i am now experiencing. while alive, i will continue fight to give positive change and that which is good a foothold and the needed support so that the best that is in us will grow and flourish. -