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01/13/08 10:59 AM

#17704 RE: hellfighters03 #17703

My reason for being dissappointed is not allayed by your comments. The reason being the following...

1) That is not what we heard on the CC. We heard that Intel came to ONEV to put their tech on the Mids and that they were a part of it. Not that they were possibly going to be a part of it, But that they were.

2) They Demoed the projects with other third party applications. Java Apps, Media apps and others, Yet no VR aps. Why not? What logic is there in showing off media applications which is old tech, and not VR which would be New and improved tech, a key selling point. There has to be a reason it was not included in any of the demos we witnessed or were linked to. Is the tech not up to snuff? Is it too difficult to install? I wonder what was going in the thought processes of all those people in charge of demoing all those MIDS and UMPCS that hardly anyone used VR. They either don't know about it (shame on ONEV) or they rejected it. IF they don't know about it then we have problems with Managment at ONEV, if they rejected it then we have problems with the tech. Either way, there is a problem that needs to be addressed. This is my thought process in what this past week and the results of it mean to us.

Nobody is going to go into the CES with their new Product to demo it and have it only half finished. The Software itself is pretty simple to install on a home computer. Is it that difficult to put it on a MID? There has got to be a reason why we didn't see more if it, and I would like to know what that reason is.

That reason probably is a big part of the reason why the PPS is where it is.

Maybe someone saw it demod and I missed it. I did see a tech blog which basically copied and pasted ONEVS PR that they were at the booth. That was about it. I looked at alot of articles talking about the new MID and its cooler chip and WIMAX ability but those articles made no mention of VR tech. Just alot of talk about Intel and their MID and how it works. Thats great for Intel but absolutely nothing for ONEV